Francis: "We need to grow in collegiality"

In his brief homily, the Pope reflected on a passage in the Gospel where Peter scolds Jesus for talking about his passion. But Jesus responds firmly, warning him not to think in “worldly terms”: “Get behind me, Satan!” He went on to explain that confirming brothers and sisters in the faith is Peter’s task and that of his successors. This is something that started with him but it “is founded upon his [Peter’s] confession of faith in Jesus” and “is made possible by a grace granted from on high.”

Peter’s “readiness to lay himself open, personally, to be consumed for the sake of the Gospel, to make himself all things to all people, unstintingly, that gives him credibility and builds up the Church,” Francis said. But this is true not only for the Pope but for every shepherd: The Bishop of Rome, but also all of you, bishops and archbishops are called to live and to confirm his brothers and sisters in this love for Christ and for all others, without distinction, limits or barriers.” After speaking about being servants of unity and explaining that “communion” in the Church “does not mean uniformity” because the Catholic way is that of unity through difference, he discussed collegiality, mentioning the Second Vatican Council.

Vatican Insider
If we are to accept that God created the universe in a hierarchical order over which He is the supreme authority. Does it not mean that Jesus Christ [the second person of the Holy Trinity] established and ordain His one true Church. To which he appointed Peter and his successor as supreme head. The hierarchy that flows from the early doctrines of the Church cannot be challenged by novelty due to …More
If we are to accept that God created the universe in a hierarchical order over which He is the supreme authority. Does it not mean that Jesus Christ [the second person of the Holy Trinity] established and ordain His one true Church. To which he appointed Peter and his successor as supreme head. The hierarchy that flows from the early doctrines of the Church cannot be challenged by novelty due to the fact that God is infallible in judgment. God's judgment extend thru time and space and not subject to novelties or attempt to correct what is already perfect.

The danger of the modernist concept of religious collegiality stems from a faulty understanding of liberty and individual rights. A democratic process is a means of restraining political government from overstepping their bound. These ideas have little to do with the Catholic Faith. The individual must accept God and his teaching without question. Only questioning when someone attempts to violate traditions for his own nefarious purposes thus putting himself outside the Church. In my opinion, Vatican II was an assault on the infallibility of previous Popes and Councils by the modernists. The results of which speak for themselves.

Catholicism has always valued collegiality, but in a very different sense than that proposed by modernism. All Catholics, especially priests and bishops, are bound together by a common commitment to the divine truths and the salvation of souls. In this sense all Catholics are colleagues, seeking God’s greater glory in all things. So long as these two primary objectives – love of God and neighbor – are respected, Catholics will operate in unity and harmony even though they have different responsibilities and undertake different tasks. This true notion of collegiality, however, does not always require lengthy discussion before making any decision since Catholics, so long as they are committed first and foremost to the faith, preserve unity and harmony in all their various undertakings. This is the essence of Catholic collegiality.
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The Catholic way is "unity in truth".
Uncle Joe
the Catholic way is that of unity through difference,
That's liberal Gobbledygook.
Your Holiness,
The Catholic way is NOT that of unity through difference. It never has been and never will be that way. The Catholic way is to settle DIFFERENCES so that there can be UNITY. If that's what your speechwriter meant, he/s should have said it clearly.
I have a male and female who can speak fluent Italian …More
the Catholic way is that of unity through difference,

That's liberal Gobbledygook.

Your Holiness,

The Catholic way is NOT that of unity through difference. It never has been and never will be that way. The Catholic way is to settle DIFFERENCES so that there can be UNITY. If that's what your speechwriter meant, he/s should have said it clearly.

I have a male and female who can speak fluent Italian and together we can do a lot better than this tortilla flipping, convoluted thinking, Argentinian Tango dancing speechwriter you currently employ.

And they were all with one accord in Solomon's porch. Acts: 5

Feel free to contact me,

Uncle Joe