holyrope 3
To Jesus through Mary (Mary's Mission) "God has decided to begin and accomplish His greatest works through the Blessed Virgin ever since He created her, we can safely believe that He will not change …More
To Jesus through Mary (Mary's Mission)

"God has decided to begin and accomplish His greatest works through the Blessed Virgin ever since He created her, we can safely believe that He will not change His plan in the time to come, for He is God and therefore does not change in His thoughts or His way of acting."
(St. Louis de Montfort)
holyrope 3
"God has decided to begin and accomplish His greatest works through the Blessed Virgin ever since He created her, we can safely believe that He will not change His plan in the time to come, for He is God and therefore does not change in His thoughts or His way of acting."
(St. Louis de Montfort)