Plotting Revolution. Michael VorisMore
Plotting Revolution.

Michael Voris
The Church teaches what Christ said, whosoever divorces their spouse to remarry is an adulterer, if a person has remarried by divorcing his previous wife unfortunately the only way to make wrong right (spiritually speaking) is either living as brother and sister because you love and fear the Lord, or leaving that marriage... in other words no sex at all.
The divorce/remarriage issue is more challenging than it first appears. Our faith tells us that all can be redeemed....no matter how grievously we have sinned. Think of the Prodigal Son -- despite his grievous denial and abandonment of his father, upon repenting, the father welcomed back the lost sheep. But, how does this principle apply to a Catholic who has strayed by divorcing and then remarrying …More
The divorce/remarriage issue is more challenging than it first appears. Our faith tells us that all can be redeemed....no matter how grievously we have sinned. Think of the Prodigal Son -- despite his grievous denial and abandonment of his father, upon repenting, the father welcomed back the lost sheep. But, how does this principle apply to a Catholic who has strayed by divorcing and then remarrying and raising a new family? In this case, a man or woman who repents and asks forgiveness for his/her failure does not really have the ability to 'undo the wrong' by abandoning the new spouse and children. Two 'wrongs' don't make a 'right'. What is the path forward to such individuals in the Church? I don't have an answer to this, and believe this is a good topic for the bishops to work through to help these lost souls find the Lord and live in his good graces.
Mrs Boris , I would like to point out that in this explanation you missed a crucial point. When you use the example of pedophilia in relationship to 'graduallity' , and rightly point out that it can not be 'gradually' explained to a pedophile that molesting children is wrong. I would say that 'graduallity' would mean to gradually explain to a child who has been molested that molesting children is …More
Mrs Boris , I would like to point out that in this explanation you missed a crucial point. When you use the example of pedophilia in relationship to 'graduallity' , and rightly point out that it can not be 'gradually' explained to a pedophile that molesting children is wrong. I would say that 'graduallity' would mean to gradually explain to a child who has been molested that molesting children is wrong BEFORE the child-who might already be promiscuous because of abuse suffered develops into more promiscuity leading to becoming a pedophile/ abuser. It is very well documented that a percentage of pedophiles and all sort of abusers have suffered abuse themselves in childhood.

I understand 'graduallty' as a form of defeating implicit attitudes (plese see research on Implicit attitudes ) by priming stereoptypical exemplars (a child who has had homosexual abuse is a victim but has develop a n implicit bias about homosexuality)