The Catacombs
Doctrinal Statement of Catholic Resistance 7/8/23, Frs. Hewko & Ruiz Fr. David Hewko and Fr. Hugo Ruiz V. in Soldier, Kansas (Ignatian Retreat venue) Transcript of the Doctrinal Statement of Catholic …More
Doctrinal Statement of Catholic Resistance 7/8/23, Frs. Hewko & Ruiz

Fr. David Hewko and Fr. Hugo Ruiz V. in Soldier, Kansas (Ignatian Retreat venue)
Transcript of the Doctrinal Statement of Catholic Resistance in Spanish, English, & French:
Links, Newsletters, and Other Informative Sites | SSPX - Marian Corps
For a transcript of the English only version, please see here: Frs. Hewko & Ruiz: The Silence of the Shepherds [Joint Statement - July 1, 2023]

Link to the 2012 SSPX Doctrinal Declaration: Links, Newsletters, and Other Informative Sites | SSPX - Marian Corps

For those good souls wishing to donate directly to Fr. Hewko's apostolate: paypal.me/FrHewko

How to contact Fr. Hewko, Mass circuit schedules, & general information on Fr. Hewko's apostolate are primarily found here SSPX - Marian Corps | and here thecatacombs.org

Fr. Hewko's sermons can also be found on Rumble & Bitchute, both links found here: Sermons | SSPX - Marian Corps
and here: The Catacombs - Rev. Father David Hewko

Other recommended sites:
St. Marys Kansas Resistance