College professor: 'Jesus was a Muslim'

College professor: 'Jesus was a Muslim'
The head of the religion department at Luther College in Iowa recently argued that Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity, was in fact, a Muslim.

“‘Was Jesus a Muslim?" asks Prof. Robert F. Shedinger in the beginning of a book he published this year entitled Was Jesus a Muslim? " I will answer with a very qualified yes."

In a recent interview Shedinger also defended his controversial thesis explaining that a Muslim undergraduate student had sent him on academic odyssey that culminated with him asking himself "Was Jesus a Muslim?"

"Even as a Christian I have to answer yes to that," said Shedinger, who is the head of the religion department at Luther College in Iowa.

A spokesman for Luther College, a small liberal arts school affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, told Campus Reform on Wednesday that the administration stands fully behind Shedinger’s scholarship.

Jesus a Muslim? Sure he was. Didn't he say love your enemies and then cut off their heads? 🤦
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Comments from FR:
Jesus was a member of a faith not established until 600 years after his death?
Sure, and Moses was a Christian, and Mohammed a Scientologist.
Proof that the only qualification to be a professor these days is a crack pipe.
Comments from FR:

Jesus was a member of a faith not established until 600 years after his death?

Sure, and Moses was a Christian, and Mohammed a Scientologist.

Proof that the only qualification to be a professor these days is a crack pipe.