May 15 Saint Isidore the Labourer. apostleshipofprayer A Spanish daylabourer; b. near Madrid, about the year 1070; d. 15 May, 1130, at the same place. He was in the service of a certain Juan de Vargas …More
May 15 Saint Isidore the Labourer.

apostleshipofprayer A Spanish daylabourer; b. near Madrid, about the year 1070; d. 15 May, 1130, at the same place. He was in the service of a certain Juan de Vargas on a farm in the vicinity of Madrid. Every morning before going to work he was accustomed to hear a Mass at one of the churches in Madrid. One day his fellow-labourers complained to their master that Isidore was always late for work in the morning. Upon investigation, so runs the legend, the master found Isidore at prayer, while an angel was doing the ploughing for him. On another occasion his master saw an angel ploughing on either side of him, so that Isidore's work was equal to that of three of his fellow-labourers. Isidore is also said to have brought back to life the deceased daughter of his master and to have caused a fountain of fresh water to burst from the dry earth in order to quench the thirst of his master. He was married to Maria Torribia, a canonized saint, who is venerated in Spain as Maria della Cabeza, from the fact that her head (Spanish, cabeza) is often carried in procession especially in time of drought. They had one son, who died in his youth. On one occasion this son fell into a deep well and at the prayers of his parents the water of the well is said to have risen miraculously to the level of the ground, bringing the child with it, alive and well. Hereupon the parents made a vow of continence and lived in separate houses. Forty years after Isidore's death, his body was transferred from the cemetery to the church of St. Andrew. He is said to have appeared to Alfonso of Castile, and to have shown him the hidden path by which he surprised the Moors and gained the victory of Las Nevas de Tolosa, in 1212. When King Philip III of Spain was cured of a deadly disease by touching the relics of the saint, the king replaced the old reliquary by a costly silver one. He was canonized by Gregory XV, along with Sts. Ignatius, Francis Xavier, Teresa, and Philip Neri, on 12 March, 1622. St. Isidore is widely venerated as the patron of peasants and day-labourers. The cities of Madrid, Leon, Saragossa, and Seville also, honour him as their patron. His feast is celebrated on 15 May.
Thursday of the Fourth week of Easter
Acts of the Apostles 13:13-25.

From Paphos, Paul and his companions set sail and arrived at Perga in Pamphylia. But John left them and returned to Jerusalem.
They continued on from Perga and reached Antioch in Pisidia. On the sabbath they entered (into) the synagogue and took their seats.
After the reading of the law and the prophets, the synagogue officials …More
Thursday of the Fourth week of Easter

Acts of the Apostles 13:13-25.

From Paphos, Paul and his companions set sail and arrived at Perga in Pamphylia. But John left them and returned to Jerusalem.
They continued on from Perga and reached Antioch in Pisidia. On the sabbath they entered (into) the synagogue and took their seats.
After the reading of the law and the prophets, the synagogue officials sent word to them, "My brothers, if one of you has a word of exhortation for the people, please speak."
So Paul got up, motioned with his hand, and said, "Fellow Israelites and you others who are God-fearing, listen.
The God of this people Israel chose our ancestors and exalted the people during their sojourn in the land of Egypt. With uplifted arm he led them out of it
and for about forty years he put up with them in the desert.
When he had destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan, he gave them their land as an inheritance
at the end of about four hundred and fifty years. After these things he provided judges up to Samuel (the) prophet.
Then they asked for a king. God gave them Saul, son of Kish, a man from the tribe of Benjamin, for forty years.
Then he removed him and raised up David as their king; of him he testified, 'I have found David, son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will carry out my every wish.'
From this man's descendants God, according to his promise, has brought to Israel a savior, Jesus.
John heralded his coming by proclaiming a baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel;
and as John was completing his course, he would say, 'What do you suppose that I am? I am not he. Behold, one is coming after me; I am not worthy to unfasten the sandals of his feet.'

Psalms 89(88):2-3.21-22.25.27.
The favors of the LORD I will sing forever;
through all generations my mouth shall proclaim your faithfulness.
For you have said, “My kindness is established forever”;
in heaven you have confirmed your faithfulness.

I have chosen David, my servant;
with my holy oil I have anointed him.
That my hand will be with him;
and that my arm will make him strong.

My loyalty and love will be with him;
through my name his horn will be exalted.
“He shall say of me, 'You are my father,
my God, the Rock, my savior.'

Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 13:16-20.
When Jesus had washed the disciples' feet, he said to them: «Amen, amen, I say to you, no slave is greater than his master nor any messenger greater than the one who sent him.
If you understand this, blessed are you if you do it.
I am not speaking of all of you. I know those whom I have chosen. But so that the scripture might be fulfilled, 'The one who ate my food has raised his heel against me.'
From now on I am telling you before it happens, so that when it happens you may believe that I AM.
Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever receives the one I send receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me."

Commentary of the day : Pope Francis
"No messenger is greater than the one who sent him"

4 more comments from Irapuato
Sant' Isidoro l'agricoltore Laico
15 maggio
Nasce in una Spagna che per buona parte è in mano araba, e nell’infanzia sente raccontare le gesta di tre grandi condottieri. Ecco Alfonso VI il Bravo, re di Castiglia e di León, che ha conquistato tante città. E poi Yusuf ibn Tashufin, capo della dinastia musulmana degli Almorávidi, che ha sconfitto Alfonso nel 1081 e ha incorporato i domìni arabi di …More
Sant' Isidoro l'agricoltore Laico
15 maggio

Nasce in una Spagna che per buona parte è in mano araba, e nell’infanzia sente raccontare le gesta di tre grandi condottieri. Ecco Alfonso VI il Bravo, re di Castiglia e di León, che ha conquistato tante città. E poi Yusuf ibn Tashufin, capo della dinastia musulmana degli Almorávidi, che ha sconfitto Alfonso nel 1081 e ha incorporato i domìni arabi di Spagna nel suo impero nordafricano. Infine, c’è il condottiero dei condottieri, l’eroe nazionale Ruiz Díaz de Bivar detto il Cid, el que en buena çinxo espada (colui che in buon’ora cinse la spada).
Isidoro non ha spada né cavallo. Orfano del padre fin da piccolo, va poi a lavorare la terra sotto padrone, nelle campagne intorno a Madrid. A causa della guerra, cerca rifugio e lavoro più verso nord, a Torrelaguna. E vi trova anche moglie: Maria Toribia, contadina come lui.
Isidoro è un credente schietto. Partecipa ogni giorno alla Messa mattutina, e durante la giornata lo si vede spesso appartato in preghiera. Questo gli tira addosso le accuse di altri salariati: ha poca voglia di lavorare, perde tempo, sfrutta le nostre fatiche. È già accaduto agli inizi, nelle campagne di Madrid; poi continua a Torrelaguna, e più tardi a Madrid ancora, quando lui vi ritorna alla fine dei combattimenti. A queste accuse Isidoro non si ribella, ma neppure si piega. Il padrone è preoccupato, non si fida di lui? E allora sorvegli, controlli, verifichi i risultati del suo lavoro... E questo fa appunto il padrone, scoprendo che Isidoro ha sì perso tempo inginocchiandosi ogni tanto a pregare, ma che alla sera aveva mietuto la stessa quantità di grano degli altri. E così al tempo dell’aratura: tanta orazione pure lì, ma a fine giornata tutta la sua parte di terra era dissodata.
Juan de Vargas si chiama questo proprietario, che dapprima tiene d’occhio Isidoro con diffidenza; ma alla fine, toccata con mano la sua onestà, arriva a dire che quei risultati non si spiegano solo con la capacità di lavoro; ci sono anche degli interventi soprannaturali: avvengono miracoli, insomma, sulle sue terre.
E altri diffondono via via la voce: in tempo di mietitura, il grano raccolto da Isidoro veniva prodigiosamente moltiplicato. Durante l’aratura, mentre lui pregava in ginocchio, gli angeli lavoravano al posto suo con l’aratro e con i buoi. Così il bracciante malvisto diventa l’uomo di fiducia del padrone, porta a casa più soldi e li divide tra i poveri. Né lui né sua moglie cambiano vita: è intorno a loro e grazie a loro che la povera gente incomincia a vivere un po’meglio. Nel tempo delle epiche gesta di tanti conquistatori, le imprese di Isidoro sono queste, fino alla morte.
A volte certi suoi atti fanno pensare a Francesco d’Assisi. Per esempio, quando d’inverno si preoccupa per gli uccelli affamati: e per loro, andando al mulino con un sacco di grano, ne sparge i chicchi a grandi manciate sulla neve; ma quando arriva al mulino, il sacco è di nuovo prodigiosamente pieno.
Lavorare, pregare, donare: le sue gesta sono tutte qui, e dopo la morte lo rendono famoso come Alfonso il Bravo e come il Cid. Nel 1170 il suo corpo viene deposto nella chiesa madrilena di Sant’Andrea, e col tempo la sua fama si divulga in Spagna, nelle colonie spagnole d’America e in alcune regioni del Nord europa. Nel 1622, Isidoro l’Agricoltore viene canonizzato da Gregorio XV (con Ignazio di Loyola e Francesco Saverio). Nel 1697 papa Innocenzo XII proclama beata sua moglie Maria Toribia. Le reliquie di sant’Isidoro si trovano ora nella cattedrale di Madrid.

Autore: Domenico Agasso
le 15 mai saint Isidore le Laboureur
Isidore le Laboureur est né aux alentours de 1080, près de Madrid. Il est mort vers 1130.
Placé très jeune comme ouvrier agricole, il travaille pour plusieurs maîtres. Devant l'arrivée des Sarrazins, il fuit la région de Madrid, et continue ailleurs son humble métier.
On raconte qu'il est l'objet de la jalousie des autres ouvriers, qui l'accusent de préférer …More
le 15 mai saint Isidore le Laboureur
Isidore le Laboureur est né aux alentours de 1080, près de Madrid. Il est mort vers 1130.
Placé très jeune comme ouvrier agricole, il travaille pour plusieurs maîtres. Devant l'arrivée des Sarrazins, il fuit la région de Madrid, et continue ailleurs son humble métier.
On raconte qu'il est l'objet de la jalousie des autres ouvriers, qui l'accusent de préférer prier plutôt que de travailler la terre comme eux. Chaque dimanche, avec sa femme Maria Toribia, il chantait au lutrin pendant la grand-messe et passait en prières le reste de la journée. Toutefois, son dernier patron, Juan de Vargas, fait de lui son régisseur.
Ce dernier le guette pour vérifier les assertions des autres ouvriers : il le surprend en prière, en extase tandis que les bœufs continuent à tirer la charrue, comme s'ils étaient conduits par deux anges. Ébloui, Juan de Vargas se convertit.
Les miracles de guérison se multipliant sur sa tombe à la collégiale Saint-André-de-Madrid, et plus tard (lorsque ses reliques y furent transférées) à la collégiale Saint-Isidore, ou encore en buvant l'eau de la fontaine[1] que sa prière aurait fait jaillir du sol un jour de grande sécheresse[2] , le roi Philippe III d'Espagne, qui avait été guéri par son intercession, demanda sa canonisation, qui eut lieu, décidée par le pape Grégoire XV le 12 mars 1622 (il avait été béatifié en 1619), en même temps que celles d'Ignace de Loyola, de Thérèse d'Avila, de François-Xavier et de Philippe Néri[1].
Parti d'Espagne, son culte s'est diffusé en Bretagne, en Franche-Comté et au Tyrol. Selon Yves-Pascal Castel, qui a consacré un livre à Saint Isidore en Bretagne, il est le 35e saint le plus représenté dans les églises du diocèse de Quimper et de Léon.
« Une population essentiellement rurale ne pouvait qu'être heureuse de réserver dans ses sanctuaires une place au valet de ferme qui, sous le tranchant de sa bêche vit jaillir une bonne source. Le paysan ahanant au long de son sillon enviait aussi sans doute le mystique laboureur qu'un ange mystérieux relayait au mancheron de la charrue pendant qu'il tombait en extase. Par suite, quoi de plus parlant que de présenter au paysan chrétien, le saint paysan accompagné d'attributs on ne peut plus symboliques: bêche, faucille, charrue miniature, gerbe de blé. Mieux encore, saint Isidore endosse le costume rural, devenant souvent vrai paysan breton[3]. »
On trouve des traces de son culte dans 33 églises et chapelles du Morbihan, 17 du Finistère, dans 6 des Côtes-d'Armor, 3 de la Loire-Atlantique[3] dont un tableau du peintre Meuret dans l'église paroissiale de Rougé[4] et une en Ille-et-Vilaine à Baguer-Morvan où un vitrail[5] représentant saint Isidore fut offert à l'église en 1881 par les cultivateurs de la paroisse[6]. Les représentations de saint Isidore comptent parmi celles qui nous renseignent le mieux sur le costume du paysan en Bretagne entre 1600 et 1800.
une statue de ce saint se trouve dans l'église Saint-Pierre-aux-Liens de Mellac (Finistère).
l'église paroissiale de Botmeur (Finistère) est dédiée à saint Eutrope et saint Isidore (Isidore le Laboureur).
deux chapelles (disparues) lui étaient dédiées au Relecq-Kerhuon et à Scrignac.
Dans la Chapelle Notre-Dame-du-Guelhouit à Melrand (Morbihan), le lambris de la voûte raconte la vie de Saint Isidore en 23 tableaux. La chapelle possède aussi un superbe bas relief de Saint Isidore, patron des laboureurs priant à genoux, cependant que 2 anges conduisent sa charrue. Le saint est représenté en bragou-braz et est aussi armé d'une faucille.
Par ailleurs :
un vitrail est consacré à ce saint dans l'église Saint-Léger de Chanteloup (Deux-Sèvres).
la Basilique de San Isidoro à León (Espagne).
une procession le célèbre chaque année à Untermieming (Tyrol)[7].
Son culte existe aussi en Amérique latine, par exemple une procession de saint Isidore se tient chaque année à Lima (Pérou). De plus, à Oaxaca au Méxique, Saint Isidore est aussi le patron des champignons psilocybe cubensis employés à des fin enthéogènes dans des rituels chamaniques. Les chamans le nomment "champignon de Saint Isidore"[8].
Il est le saint patron de Madrid, de León, de Saragosse, de Séville, etc.., mais aussi le saint patron des laboureurs, des agriculteurs, des ouvriers journaliers et des charretiers.
Il est habituellement représenté armé d'un fléau ou d'une gerbe d'épis de blé. Il a aussi été représenté en habit du XVIIe siècle, avec à ses pieds une charrue traînée par un ou plusieurs anges.
Plusieurs documents photographiques illustrant le culte de ce saint sont consultables sur un site Internet[9].
15. Mai Der heiliger Isidor von Madrid
spanischer Name: Isidro
Gedenktag katholisch: 15. Mai
Hochfest in der Stadt Madrid
Fest im übrigen im Erzbistum Madrid, im Bistum Getafe und im Bistum Alcalá de Henares
gebotener Gedenktag in Spanien
nicht gebotener Gedenktag in den USA
10. Mai (als Todestag angegeben), Messe an einigen Orten: 15. Mai
Name bedeutet: Geschenk der Göttin der Naturkraft Isis (…More
15. Mai Der heiliger Isidor von Madrid

spanischer Name: Isidro
Gedenktag katholisch: 15. Mai
Hochfest in der Stadt Madrid
Fest im übrigen im Erzbistum Madrid, im Bistum Getafe und im Bistum Alcalá de Henares
gebotener Gedenktag in Spanien
nicht gebotener Gedenktag in den USA
10. Mai (als Todestag angegeben), Messe an einigen Orten: 15. Mai
Name bedeutet: Geschenk der Göttin der Naturkraft Isis (griech.)
* um 1070 in Madrid in Spanien
† um 1130 daselbst

Francisco Goya (1746 - 1828): Radierung, in der Bibliotheca Nacional in Madrid
Isidor war Bauer, verheiratet und hatte einen Sohn. Schon in seiner Jugend verdingte er sich als Knecht bei einem Baron. Er zeichnete sich durch treue Pflichterfüllung, aber auch durch eifrige Gebetsübungen und Wohltätigkeit aus, der Gutshof blühte unter seiner Arbeit auf. Der Neid der Mitknechte ließ diese dem Herrn petzen, Isidor vernachlässige seine Arbeit und bete stattdessen ständig. Als sein Herr feststellen wollte, ob dies stimme, sah er der Überlieferung nach zwei weiße Stiere, von einem Engel geleitet, pflügen, während Isidor im Gebet daneben kniete. Isidor setzte sich zusammen mit seiner Frau Maria de la Cabeza (Torribia) für die Hilfsbedürftigen ein. Er starb eines heiligen Todes.
Alle Zeugnisse über Isidor stammen aus einer im 13. Jahrhundert verfassten Lebensgeschichte. 40 Jahre nach seinem Tod öffnete man demnach sein Grab in der Andreas-Kirche in Madrid und fand ihn unverwest. Heute ruht sein unverwester Leichnam in der ihm geweihten Kathedrale von Madrid.

Fresko in der Pfarrkirche in Richinvelda
In Untermieming in Tirol, wo eine Isidorbruderschaft ihren Sitz hat, findet am ersten Sonntag im Juli eine Prozession zu Ehren von Isidor statt. Auch in Schatzhofen bei Landshut gibt es eine Isidoribruderschaft und ein Isidorifest.
Kanonisation: 1622 erfolgte die Heiligsprechung durch Papst Gregor XV.- zusammen mit der der großen Kirchenmänner Franz Xaver, Filippo Neri und Ignatius von Loyola; zugleich wurde Isidor zum Patron der Bauern ernannt.
Attribute: Pflug, Dreschflegel, Sense oder Spaten, dazu Rosenkranz
Patron von Madrid; der Bauern, der Feldmesser (Geometer); gegen Dürre; für Regen und gute Ernte
May 15 Saint Isidore the Labourer/the Farmer
A Spanish daylabourer; b. near Madrid, about the year 1070; d. 15 May, 1130, at the same place. He was in the service of a certain Juan de Vargas on a farm in the vicinity of Madrid. Every morning before going to work he was accustomed to hear a Mass at one of the churches in Madrid. One day his fellow-labourers complained to their master that Isidore …More
May 15 Saint Isidore the Labourer/the Farmer

A Spanish daylabourer; b. near Madrid, about the year 1070; d. 15 May, 1130, at the same place. He was in the service of a certain Juan de Vargas on a farm in the vicinity of Madrid. Every morning before going to work he was accustomed to hear a Mass at one of the churches in Madrid. One day his fellow-labourers complained to their master that Isidore was always late for work in the morning. Upon investigation, so runs the legend, the master found Isidore at prayer, while an angel was doing the ploughing for him. On another occasion his master saw an angel ploughing on either side of him, so that Isidore's work was equal to that of three of his fellow-labourers. Isidore is also said to have brought back to life the deceased daughter of his master and to have caused a fountain of fresh water to burst from the dry earth in order to quench the thirst of his master. He was married to Maria Torribia, a canonized saint, who is venerated in Spain as Maria della Cabeza, from the fact that her head (Spanish, cabeza) is often carried in procession especially in time of drought. They had one son, who died in his youth. On one occasion this son fell into a deep well and at the prayers of his parents the water of the well is said to have risen miraculously to the level of the ground, bringing the child with it, alive and well. Hereupon the parents made a vow of continence and lived in separate houses. Forty years after Isidore's death, his body was transferred from the cemetery to the church of St. Andrew. He is said to have appeared to Alfonso of Castile, and to have shown him the hidden path by which he surprised the Moors and gained the victory of Las Nevas de Tolosa, in 1212. When King Philip III of Spain was cured of a deadly disease by touching the relics of the saint, the king replaced the old reliquary by a costly silver one. He was canonized by Gregory XV, along with Sts. Ignatius, Francis Xavier, Teresa, and Philip Neri, on 12 March, 1622. St. Isidore is widely venerated as the patron of peasants and day-labourers. The cities of Madrid, Leon, Saragossa, and Seville also, honour him as their patron. His feast is celebrated on 15 May.