The fact is UK did all this only in order to overtake France as they knew that French King Louis XVI wanted to abolish slave trade. UK always acted against France and even set up the French revolution …More
The fact is UK did all this only in order to overtake France as they knew that French King Louis XVI wanted to abolish slave trade. UK always acted against France and even set up the French revolution in 1830 in order that France doesn't stop the slave trade of Europeans (and Africans) in Algeria because it was on their road for India... UK did all this against the Catholic Church (the one eclipsed today by the peoples who are called Modernists and belong to the Saint Gallen mafia), so all this advantage cannot last. Also, they had to pay reparations to the slavers which is completely crazy and proving who has the power. They did all this just in order to undermine the influence of the Catholic Church that already forbid slavery in France in 1315 thanks to the slowly maturation of the Gospels like in some other parts of Western Europe... England nowadays continue to finance every NGOs possible in order to complete the killing of the Catholic Church and there is even an author that talked about a British coup against the Catholic Church when Bergoglio was elected... The Catholic Church who has 2 000 years of history will survive, but for England it's less sure if they don't repent their mistakes towards Her, likewise their king Henri VIII that wanted a boy and insulted the Pope. Then, God laughed at him and gave him a boy only when it was too late after he transmitted the power to his daughter (and that she set up her fake anglican religion), and very likely in order to show him some solace because he was far too angry against the Catholic Church...

The Hidden Truth Behind The End Of Slavery - Thomas Sowell
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And obviously, they didn't attack slavery for real in islamic countries because there is no Christianity there so that they didn't have to overbid against the Catholic Church like did the French masonic Republic in Haïti... All this ban of slavery was decided into the masonic lodges against Christianism and one can say that they did a strategic coup...
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And the welfare state was implemented for destroying the families as well as the Catholic Church and as everybody can now realize it also in order to replace the local inhabitants of many many Western countries as the ultimate means to destroy the peoples that were Christian, hence Christianity : How the Welfare state ruined black families