EU Parliament Debate- Recognition of Same-sex married couples. This debate took place September 7th 2010 in the European parliament. If you wish to see it in a different EU language you can go to the …More
EU Parliament Debate- Recognition of Same-sex married couples.

This debate took place September 7th 2010 in the European parliament. If you wish to see it in a different EU language you can go to the EU parliament webpage and find it.

The debate is about getting all the EU states to recognize marriages of gay people that occur in countries where gay marriage already exists (eg. Holland, Spain). The best counter-point in the debate, in my opinion, was by the polish delegate in reference to abortion. The people in favour of this motion argue that other EU member states should recognize the status of married gays because of freedom of movement, however, the same argument could then be made that would say that if an unborn child, who is recognized as a person in one country moved to another that the other state should also recognize the rights of this unborn child (ie. preventing them from being aborted) and thereby adhere to the right of freedom of movement for that child. The truth, however, perhaps that they are only concerned with the logic they present when it serves their own position and not when it opposes it.

The subtitles are from the translation from that website, however, they were edited in by me; because I don't speak any of these languages besides english, I was forced to guess where to put them on the basis of the speaker's words (when they sounded like english words) and their body language. However, they may not be perfectly accurate.

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