From the Conclave

From the Conclave


...the three cardinals commissioned by Pope Benedict to investigate the documents leak from the Pope’s own desk last year (which resulted in the so-called “Vatileaks” scandal) – Cardinals Julian Herranz, Jozef Tomko and Salvatore de Giorgi—are in a position to become the Big Three at the conclave, at least when it comes to who will absolutely not be the next pope.

Since they’re in a position to know better than anyone who is most unworthy to ascend to the chair of St. Peter, they will almost have to become a force with which to be reckoned at the conclave.

After all, they uncovered enough evidence of corruption and abuse of power and money to fill a 300-page dossier, which Benedict ordered sealed and presented to the next pope.

So, this is far from over, and Benedict may yet prove to have been instrumental in cleaning out those stables.

His three confidants and their dossier will most surely impact the conclave, just as they will provide for the next pope to be “armed and dangerous” where the worst of the worst are concerned.

Thanks to this dossier, the next pope will have the goods on everyone involved, which is another reason to thank God for the butler, Paolo Gabriele.

The Remnant Online
The next Pope can't be a homo, because our Lord Jesus Christ says:
"You are Peter! The rock and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail"
So it is IMPOSSIBLE that the next Pope will be a homo. Sodomy is a very hard sin. So that can't be.
😇 🙏 😇More
The next Pope can't be a homo, because our Lord Jesus Christ says:

"You are Peter! The rock and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail"

So it is IMPOSSIBLE that the next Pope will be a homo. Sodomy is a very hard sin. So that can't be.

😇 🙏 😇
I just hope the next Pontif has the curage to take out the trash in the vatican! If the next Pope is a Homo God help us!