the lily of the Pampas /blessed#Ceferino#Namuncurá. Ceferino Namuncurá is one of the most popular and beloved figures in the country. Your humble face and dark complexion attracts all sympathies. It …More
the lily of the Pampas /blessed#Ceferino#Namuncurá.

Ceferino Namuncurá is one of the most popular and beloved figures in the country. Your humble face and dark complexion attracts all sympathies. It is known, it loves, it is invoked. Millions of families have your picture or a picture in the domestic altar. Devotees flock to him in his troubles and needs, making abundant spiritual and temporal benefits. As all innate compassion for the suffering man, people see enCeferino the representative of a race that has suffered injustice and atropellos.Ceferino born on August 26, 1886 in Chimpay, along the Black River, Department Choele-Choel. His parents were Manuel Namuncurá son Calfucurá the terrible warrior, and Rosario Burgos, Chilean Christian captive. He was baptized on 24 December 1888, Christmas Eve, by the Salesian missionary Sunday Milanese, called the "Apostle of the Aborigines".

Childhood Ceferino Namuncurá, passed in tolderías with their parents, helping them in the care of the sheep and learning all the arts subsistencia.En evenings, hearing her father tell the great deeds of the Mapuche against whites and ponder the plight of the tribe after the defeat and submission to the army General Julio Argentino Roca, born in the beautiful "anxious to be of service to his race."

At 11 years old, he asked his father to take him to Buenos Aires to study. This, thanks to friendship with General Luis Maria Campos, managed to do to enter the National Workshops that the Navy had in Tiger, but did not feel at all comfortable in that school. Then, through the influence of former President Luis Sáenz Peña and acceptance of Father Joseph Vespignani, provincial superior of the Salesians, was received at the College Pius IX district of Almagro. There he began to attend primary school, showing alertness, eager to learn and determination to advance the studies. Mostly, opened his eyes to the supernatural world, that is, the religious world, which was presented through prayer and catechesis. After conscientiously prepare and study, received First Communion and confirmation by the hands of Monsignor Cagliero.

From that date, the little Indian, communed daily with singular devotion. We like to think Ceferino was attracted by the examples of Santo Domingo Savio, a favorite of Don Bosco. For those years, was also a student of the college Pius IX the unforgettable singer Carlos Gardel would be so famous that later. Ceferino was studying elementary grades, but great effort was devoted to the study of the Catechism. While, in the annual contest, won first prize and, according to the custom of the time, he was proclaimed "Prince of Christian Doctrine" Later the little Indian, was jealous of the festive oratory catechist. But if the favorite was the catechism, Ceferino also delivered with ardor to the study of science. If the study had begun to be useful, following the examples of the Salesian Fathers, that desire became a living aspiration to become a priest, to be useful to his race as a missionary of the Gospel.

At sixteen, Ceferino finished primary school and wanted to move towards higher education to be a missionary, but during that time, imperceptibly, had entered his lungs germs or microbes of tuberculosis, as there was no remedy at that time, became almost always a fatal disease. Thinking that the native climate of Patagonia will be beneficial, Monsignor Cagliero carried Ceferino Viedma, where he met another patient and future blessed Artímides Zatti. Between the two mutual sympathy and a deep friendship locked. As no better, Monsignor Cagliero, his godfather and benefactor, took him to Genoa on the boat "Sicilia", thence to Turin and from Turin to Rome, where he stayed at the Salesian College of Villa Sora, located in the picturesque Frascati hills.

The most beautiful in Rome Ceferino, when was the audience with Pope St. Pius X, who gave him a medal reserved for princes. Meanwhile cruel disease progressed inexorably.

In March 1905, he was admitted to the Hospital of the Brothers of San Juan. Ceferino realized that his end was approaching and had to give up its deepest aspiration: to bring the Gospel to their brothers. Monsignor Cagliero accompanied until his holy death on May 11, 1905. Ceferino was only 18 years, 8 months and 17 days.
Today our Blessed, celebrates his birthday on Chimpay the "Week of Faith" Pcia Black Rio in the last week of August, the Cultrun on November 11 anniversary of her beatification, the San Ignacio Pcia Nqn, where Mercedes and always fortin for very many years were the remains of Ceferino.
"With Cacique Ceferino no one is bailing"
That we too can learn from him: his strong love of family and the earth, generous and cheerful delivery to all brothers, his spirit of reconciliation and communion. To celebrate one day with him and all the saints of heaven eternal Easter. amen