Quo Primum
smoking not a sin. Anti-smokers often sin against charity and justice. See here: No Smoking poster A SMOKER'S PARADOX The benefits of smoking tobacco have been known since ancient times. The anti-…More
smoking not a sin.

Anti-smokers often sin against charity and justice.

See here:

No Smoking poster

The benefits of smoking tobacco have been known since ancient times. The anti-tobacco fanatics are in a tough spot. Reliable scientific research has turned up the horrible news that tobacco smoke is good for your health. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Tourette's Syndrome, even schizophrenia and cocaine addiction are disorders that are alleviated by tobacco. There is even evidence that tobacco helps to prevent colon and prostate cancer. You can’t imagine there being any health benefits from nicotine and the herb from which it comes -- tobacco. You are in for a surprise, which I hope, will awaken you to the fact that the news media can “lie” by simply not reporting the research presenting the good side on a food or herb that is not politically correct. ...BUT EVEN CIGARETTES, if smoked in moderation have been proven harmless.
Dr William Campbell Douglas:Health Benifits of Tobacco
Coast to Coast AM ^ | 8/28 | Dr William Campbell Doublas




-Tobacco prevents Alzheimer's

-Tobacco prevents Parkinson's disease.

-Tobacco relieves Bronchitis.

-Tobacco relieves Asthma.

-Emphysema is caused by Mold, Not from tobacco smoke.

-Smokers hardly ever get colds and the flu. Non-smokers are constantly plagued by them.

-The oldest people in the world are consistently tobacco smokers.

-Researchers and biotech companies are quietly developing pharmaceuticals, derived from Tobacco plants, that are decidedly good for brains, bowels, blood vessels and even immune systems.

-Tobacco contains Niacin, otherwise known as Vitamin B3. Niacin used to be called "Nicotinic Acid", but the name was changed to disassociate from having anything to do with Nicotine.

-The word Niacin is derived from "Nicotinic Acid" and "Vitamin".

-The infamous Doll and Hill report in the 50's that started it all was shown to have major problems with it's statistics by the famous statistician Sir Ronald Fisher. This he strenuously pointed out, but they refused to change their report.

-A 1964 chart by the Surgeon General showed that persons smoking 10 cigarettes or less a day were healthier then non-smokers. NOTE: Smokers smoking 2 packs a day were unhealthier then non-smokers.

-The tobacco plant has very powerful Anti-bacterial properties.

-Before the Anti's took over, historically tobacco was considered one of the most powerful medicinal plants ever discovered.

-There's a Drug company in Texas working on a Drug, using the Tobacco plant as the derivative by the way, for Heart Disease.

All these info is available online and more. Although I have noticed it gets buried deeper and deeper in Search engine-nology !

Here are some links I know of:
Dr. William T. Whitby: The Smoking Scare De-bunked. (Free online book.)
(NOTE: You'll have to turn the scanned images on the site. Control located at bottom of site.)

Lauren A. Colby Author of In Defense of Smokers (Free online book.)

Dr. William Campbell Douglas: Health Benefits of Tobacco.

"The smoking-lung cancer theory will eventually be regarded
as a conspicuous and catastrophic howler."

The late Professor Sir Ronald Fisher of Cambridge University