"Students with special needs deserve their own Catholic high school!" Hello! I've started the petition "Archbishop Angelo Vincenzo Zani, secretary of the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education: …More
"Students with special needs deserve their own Catholic high school!"


I've started the petition "Archbishop Angelo Vincenzo Zani, secretary of the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education: Students with special needs deserve their own high school!" and need your help to get it off the ground.

Will you take 30 seconds to sign it right now? Here's the link:


Here's why it's important:

“It would be so cool to go to a school where you don’t have to be on guard all the time; where you’re learning alongside other kids who know what it’s like to be “different” and accept you for who you are; a school where you don’t have to put up with the constant judging, the taunting, the dirty looks and the stupid comments...” (Photo shows 'Jenny' with her dad at their kitchen table)

‘Jenny’ dreams of a day when she can get ready for school without a knot in her stomach and a lump in her throat. To go to a school where she can relax and learn and interact freely without having to constantly worry about being physically or verbally bullied because of her disability.

Thousands of teenagers with disabilities throughout Michigan, and around the country, share Jenny’s dream.

Children with special needs start life at a disadvantage, only to be burdened with a heavier one imposed on them by “regular folks” who assume these kids will never amount to anything because of their disabilities.

We believe that kind of disabled thinking subjugates the child and insults God!

My colleagues and I have been working very hard to realize a dream for these families: to create the nation’s first Catholic high school exclusively for students with special needs! And just as Christ did not discriminate, nor will we! Our students do not have to be Catholic to attend. We will accept all students regardless of their race, creed or background.

We believe by providing these kids with a loving, peaceful, Christ-centered environment, we give them back their peace of mind and free them up emotionally to engage fully in the process of learning. By removing the disability as a distraction in the classroom, these special children of God get to experience, like every other kid lucky enough to be attending a Catholic high school, the very best a Catholic education has to offer.

If you agree, please show your support by signing our petition. Help us to counter those forces both inside and outside the Church who are trying to keep us from opening our school.

You can sign my petition by clicking here.
