
Stop the Synod! (An Online Petition)

Stop the Synod! (An Online Petition)
First they came for the Roman Rite, which they destroyed. Then they came for the Church Militant, which they disarmed and surrendered to the spirit of the age. Now, at the Synod, which threatens to become Vatican II rebooted, progressivist bishops and their apparatchiks will be coming for the moral law itself under the guise of a search for “pastoral solutions” to “challenges facing the family”

The Return of Vatican II Fever

The symptoms are unmistakable: after a period of relative remission during the years of Pope Benedict’s mysteriously self-terminated reign, the postconciliar “process of decay” remarked by the former Cardinal Ratzinger has resumed with a vengeance, like a rebound infection after an incomplete course of antibiotics. The progressivist priests and prelates who are the disease-causing agents of Vatican II Fever are now running amok throughout the ecclesiastical bloodstream. They have been let loose by a Pope who is so fond of publicly staged “surprises,” all tending to the diminution of traditional Roman Catholicism, that Respice in Me (look at me) could serve as the motto of this pontificate. Consider just one small but telling example of the overt insurrection “the Francis effect” has encouraged: an unbearably smug Monsignor in Pennsylvania who, blithely negating the apostolic authorship of the Gospels and ridiculing the corrected translation of the New Mass, exults that, thanks to Francis, the Church will no longer be preoccupied with “silly rules and rubrics, and pulling things out of centuries past that don’t speak to the Church in the modern world,” such as Communion in lingua and “the restoration of the Latin Mass.” Unlike his rule-bound predecessor, Pope Francis is concerned with “the mercy of Jesus Christ” and thus the far more important question whether, concerning the divorced and so-called remarried, “we have the whole thing wrong, are we punishing people who have made a mistake rather than forgiving them?” According to the Monsignor, nothing has been done in fifty years to “bring the Church into the modern world”—I pause here for the reader’s hysterical laughter—but under Francis, “starting today, you and I are going to begin to implement Vatican II.” Unbelievable as it is, we are back on page one of the neo-Modernist/neo-Catholic narrative of the chimerical “true Council” and the need to implement it at last. The conciliar Ground Hog Day has begun anew.

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No mater what Kind oft personality disorders a Pope brings in... I feel like war has startet with VII by something quite the same as "Operation orange leaves" that is to poisen and unshelder true faith at first and then (that is now!) Start killing what ever is found under those naked trees (naked=falsh doctrin trees=dead church)!
JMJ deliver us!More
No mater what Kind oft personality disorders a Pope brings in... I feel like war has startet with VII by something quite the same as "Operation orange leaves" that is to poisen and unshelder true faith at first and then (that is now!) Start killing what ever is found under those naked trees (naked=falsh doctrin trees=dead church)!

JMJ deliver us!
A Time Predicted by the Enemies of the Church
"In a hundred years time . . .bishops and priests will think they are marching behind the banner of the keys of Peter when in fact they will be following our flag . . . The reforms will have to be brought about in the name of obedience." Alta Vendita\masonic document
Content about Instrumentum laboris
See more at: laboris
Vatican global discussion paper backs baptizing children of gay couples A new Vatican working paper which was the result of a worldwide survey of Catholics reiterates the church’s opposition to same-sex marriage but found nearly all Catholics thought having gay parents should not be a barrier to a …More
Content about Instrumentum laboris
See more at: laboris
Vatican global discussion paper backs baptizing children of gay couples A new Vatican working paper which was the result of a worldwide survey of Catholics reiterates the church’s opposition to same-sex marriage but found nearly all Catholics thought having gay parents should not be a barrier to a child being baptized into the faith A new Vatican report which will be the basis of a meeting of bishops in October has conceded that many Catholics now support the legal recognition of same-sex unions in countries where they are legal but reiterates the church’s opposition to such unions being recognized. The Instrumentum Laboris working paper will be the basis of the upcoming Synod on the Family which has been organized by Pope Francis I to revisit the Catholic Church’s position on a range of issues related to marriage, sexuality and family. -
2 more comments from Knights4Christ
As Catholic we ask to all the member of the invalid Synod to Stop it!!!!!!!!! We will not obey 😡 😡 We rather to Obey God that any new Bishop any new cardenal and any new Pope with the destructive heresy and Gay agenda 😡 They are causing confusión amount the faithful catholic and confusion in danger to lose their faith 😡
Prof. Leonard Wessell
"Respice in me" can be translated into modern character terms such as "cynosure". A cynosure is a person of s developed and often compulsive "narcistic personality". Such persons can be nicer than nice so long as the "look at me" is feed with adulatory praise . But, let one be of another opinion and the narcisstic mind turns to rage and represses or rejects his non-admirer. Pope Narcisscus has …More
"Respice in me" can be translated into modern character terms such as "cynosure". A cynosure is a person of s developed and often compulsive "narcistic personality". Such persons can be nicer than nice so long as the "look at me" is feed with adulatory praise . But, let one be of another opinion and the narcisstic mind turns to rage and represses or rejects his non-admirer. Pope Narcisscus has continually referred to traditionalists in the most unmerciful terms. Where did the Latin phase come from? In other words, did some famous person make such a statement or did the author just invent it? Whatever, Pope Francis was well characterized.