The deafening silence of our pulpits

Louder than the ‘Silent Scream’: the deafening silence of our pulpits

This is a sequel to a widely publicized article I wrote in March outlining a simple, if audacious, “One-Minute Strategy” for bringing about the end of legalized abortion in America virtually overnight:
If every Sunday, in every pulpit, in every church across America, ministers would devote one minute—ONE MINUTE—to decrying the evil of abortion on demand, such universal solidarity within the ranks of Christian leadership would accomplish two things, maybe three.

First, it would dispel ambiguity and send a clear signal to every pew-sitting believer that this is a top-line priority with God, not a fine-print codicil, not “one more good thing that Christians ought to do when they have time.”

If our preachers do not preach about the evil of abortion, then how will Christians ever unite to defeat it?

Second, it would foster unanimity amongst all believers—at least on this one all-important issue—and enable us together to render unto God what is God’s (i.e., sufficient advocacy at the ballot box to get Roe overturned) while at the same time rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s—which, don’t forget, includes the advice and consent of the governed.

And third, maybe, just maybe the voice of conscience would become less easily ignored by those outside the church and we would see abortion on demand outlawed, not only in America, but around the world—“overnight.”

I have almost NEVER heard anyone preach about abortion in my parish. 🥴
I wish priests would grow a little backbone and not care about offending anyone or worrying about the collection. 👌More
I have almost NEVER heard anyone preach about abortion in my parish. 🥴

I wish priests would grow a little backbone and not care about offending anyone or worrying about the collection. 👌
All great News-Briefs articles ... Well done!
All soldiers are good in garrison. On the field of battle, we see the difference between the brave and the cowardly.