Did the Bible & Catholic Church Teach the Earth is Flat? There are many sects of flat earth theory adherents who claim to be Christian that reference Bible versions describing the world as a 'circle' - …More
Did the Bible & Catholic Church Teach the Earth is Flat?

There are many sects of flat earth theory adherents who claim to be Christian that reference Bible versions describing the world as a 'circle' - what they (flat earther fake Christians) don't understand is that the writers of the Old & New Testaments used the only words they had available to make some sort of description of the earth as well as they could — therefore verses using the word "circle" or describing the earth as never moving are definitely not Biblical proof for flat earth theory.

Science abundantly proves that flat earth theory is false, even if people deny proofs or claim that refutations against their false worldview are "staged" or a "hoax" with no proof. The devil created flat earth theory in order to deceive people into a pseudo-scientific form of Protestantism that distorts history, reality & the Bible. The fact that flat earth theory was pushed by former actors says a lot. This video proves that a flat earth is not Biblical, nor is it as historical as many claim.