Living in Glory

Christians who are trying to get the Gospel to all hearts, have all sorts of obstacles and sufferings because of it, the most greatest spiritual pain is given by those of his/her own family.

I remember a long time ago, a friend of mine told me: "we need to live the Glory of God here on earth", bit by bit, people who desire to be more spiritual, try to please God in all His Commandments, things once seen as normal, now it's a big sin, usual conversations becomes worldly, lies are no longer tolerated and every venial sin feels like mortal.

Priests loose their cool around you, people flee from you, even those who swore eternal love at the feet of Almighty Father... Loneliness grows big around you and feeling like a Leper with your family becomes "normal."

Your mind for long suggest horrible things, such things that are unrepeatable, you suffer and struggle, you try to reach to Heaven, asking for help and it feels like help is not coming, you beg: "Please Lord, save me from myself" is your most common plea.

"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for YOU ARE WITH ME; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." Psalm 23:4

It is a promise from our Lord, He will never desert us (Mat 28:20), Glory is with us... His Glory, living His Glory has a price: rejection, being rejected finds suffering and loneliness, pain comes easy, for some every little thing causes pain, shaping us, preparing us for greater tests.

My proof is in His Holy Word, each tear, suffering and pain... little or great is tasted first by Him, we will never surprised God on what we do or don't, He Knows... as He is Divine, Jesus suffers your pain and even though we don't feel Him, His Glory is around you because He made us a promise to stay with us.

So yes, living His Glory is hard, it is a magnet for rejection and pain, but if you truly Love Jesus, you will move forth, you'll live His Glory... bit by bit you'll taste more spiritual suffering and that's the sign, Glory is all around you: Jesus Glory.

"A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand: but it shall not come nigh thee." Psalm 91:7

Hope we remain in perseverance, the world now hates us even more, media doesn't help and finding priests and laity to encourage you to stay the course is hard, actually... impossible, but we must remain faithful and hopeful, hope that we stand our ground and Jesus find us in grace so He could take us back Home.

Tons of blessings