
Every pro-family person should sign this petition to Pope Francis before the next Synod

Dear Defender of the Family,

This may be the most important petition of the year. Why?

Because dissident Catholic pressure groups -- aided by the liberal media -- are feverishly working to dismantle vital Church teaching on marriage and family at the next Synod on the Family in Rome.

In fact, they are bombarding the Pope right now and the Synod Fathers with messages of revolt against traditional moral values.

They clamor for "change, change, change" inside the Church.

That's why I'm inviting you to take a stand...

For God and the future of the family:

Sign this Prayerful Petition to Pope Francis -- Save the Family

At this critical point in history, your petition will proclaim your love for God, your fidelity, your desire to defend the family, and your willingness to oppose the Sexual Revolution.

Plus, your pro-family petition will be hand-delivered at the Vatican by a delegation of concerned Catholic leaders before the next Synod begins.

To sign it right away, just click here.

The Vatican has requested wide input "at all levels" in preparation for the Synod and I'm praying your petition will encourage the Pope to articulate a bold defense of the family at a time of so much confusion -- both inside and outside the Church.

For example, dissident voices want to force the Church to:

-- Water down the indissolubility of marriage;
-- Allow the reception of Holy Communion for divorced and civilly remarried couples;
-- Make the Church "LGBT-friendly;" and
-- Approve same-sex civil unions.

The forces of darkness are mobilizing against the light of truth.

In other words, they know the Church and Her perennial teachings are the last and most powerful wall of defense protecting the family and society against the total breakdown of morality.

That's why -- more than ever before -- faithful Catholics must unite around the eternal truths of the faith that are under such relentless attack. And we must also pray and fight for the future of the family at the upcoming Synod.

Raymond Cardinal Burke is calling everyone to get involved.

In a recent interview, he said:

"In an age filled with confusion, as we see with Gender Theory, we need the teaching of the Church on marriage... I call upon all Catholics, laymen, priests, and bishops, to involve themselves, from now up to the upcoming Synodal assembly, in order to highlight the truth on marriage." (Le Figaro Magazine, Dec. 19, 2014)

Sign Your Prayerful Petition to Pope Francis

This petition is a big, worldwide effort. Everyone can sign.

And TFP Student Action is joining forces with over 20 more pro-family groups around the world to collect as many signatures as possible before the next Synod starts.

Thank you for fighting the good fight.

God will reward you.

John Ritchie
TFP Student Action Director

P.S. -- May I count on you to share this vital petition with all your pro-family friends?

When you do, you will make this noble effort snowball all the more.

God bless you.
la verdad prevalece
TFP Student 👍
Gottlob Ya la firme Gracias hermano.
la verdad prevalece
👍 "In an age filled with confusion, as we see with Gender Theory, we need the teaching of the Church on marriage... I call upon all Catholics, laymen, priests, and bishops, to involve themselves, from now up to the upcoming Synodal assembly, in order to highlight the truth on marriage." (Le Figaro Magazine, Dec. 19, 2014)