Bishop Tobin: Mandela's support for abortion "shameful."

ROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — The Roman Catholic Bishop of Providence weighed in on Nelson Mandela's death by calling his support for abortion "shameful."

Bishop Thomas Tobin, in a statement posted Sunday on the diocesan website, said that while there is much to admire in Mandela's life and public service, there's a part of his legacy that is "not at all praiseworthy, namely his shameful promotion of abortion in South Africa."

Tobin's comments stand in contrast to those of Pope Francis, who in a telegram to South African President Jacob Zuma last week praised Mandela's steadfast commitment to "promoting the human dignity of all (his) nation's citizens."

The bishop in his statement took issue with Mandela's decision in 1996 to sign legislation liberalizing South Africa's abortion laws.

No Mr. Taylor, if you haven't notice yet by all the erratic messages dressed in beautiful words by the Bishop of Rome, you would've noticed that he is doing things on his own, just by all the interviews without the watchful Vatican to filter down his messages, I mean it's all Him.
Is the Pope stupid, or is he advised by useless idiots. How can Christ's Vicar on earth praise a murderer of innocent children, yet unborn???
The diabolical clearly is in the Vatican.
Almighty God send us a Pope worthy of your service and who is truly humble. Amen.More
Is the Pope stupid, or is he advised by useless idiots. How can Christ's Vicar on earth praise a murderer of innocent children, yet unborn???

The diabolical clearly is in the Vatican.
Almighty God send us a Pope worthy of your service and who is truly humble. Amen.