Quo Primum
Rosary: motives and methods. Feast of the Holy Rosary. Three motives for praying the rosary, and helpful methods for praying well. First motive the connection with The Breviary. The full Rosary has …More
Rosary: motives and methods.

Feast of the Holy Rosary.

Three motives for praying the rosary, and helpful methods for praying well.

First motive the connection with The Breviary. The full Rosary has 150 Hail Marys, The Breviary has the 150 Psalms of King David as the basis of this prayer. This is the official prayer of the church, which priests pray daily for all the faithful. The Psalms of David for the prayers of our Lord and our lady and of all the true believers for the last three thousand years. The Psalms give summary of the Old Testament, foreshadowing of the New Testament, with prayers for every kind of situation and emotion possible. the priest is able to replace the praying of the Divine Office with the Rosary at times when the reading and concentration may be difficult. So that makes the rosary an official prayer of the church.

Second motive, the rosary is a means of obtaining all the virtues of the Gospels,reflecting upon the key mysteries about Redemption at absorbing the life and virtues of Jesus and Mary in the best possible manner.

Third motive, the best way to observe the third the fourth Commandment of God which is to honor your father and mother. For 800 years Jesus Christ has sent his ambassador, the Queen of Heaven and Earth. To tell us over and over and to show us the power of this prayer over the forces of evil heresy and ignorance. It is not binding under pain of sin, however it would be sinful to neglect to honor the Virgin Mary, assume against the Commandment to honor our mother as Jesus did.
The means of praying well this prayer is to have a good method of praying it. This means proper intention, property version, proper affection.

Victories of the Rosary
Our Lady pleaded and insisted that people say the daily Rosary. Reparation holds back the hand of God from striking the world in just punishment for its many crimes. The Rosary is like a sword or weapon the Mother of God can use to cut down heresy and the forces of evil. It is most powerful, and many times has saved the world from bad situations like the one facing us today.

Lepanto 1571
A few centuries ago, the Turks were over-running all Europe and seemed on the verge of wiping out Christianity. When all seemed lost, Pope St. Pius V organized a Rosary Crusade. He asked Catholics everywhere to pray the Rosary to ask Our Lady to deliver them from imminent disaster. When the day of the great battle arrived, the Christian soldiers literally went into battle with swords in one hand and Rosaries in the other. Thus on October 7th, the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary, one of the greatest military upsets in all history, took place at Lepanto. The little Christian fleet, very greatly outnumbered, defeated the mighty Turkish Armada and Christianity was saved -- all through the power of the Rosary.

Hiroshima 1945
The Rectory of the Assumption of Our Lady Church in Hiroshima was left standing on August 6, 1945 after the atomic bomb killed 200,000 people in the city. The church next door to the rectory was completely demolished by the atomic blast. There was nothing left standing on the street outside. There was, in fact, no street outside. All that, too, was completely destroyed. Only the rectory stood amidst the surrounding rubble and four Catholic priests inside survived the first atomic blast. It was because they were living the Message of Our Lady of Fatima that they were saved from certain death.(7) Indeed, Our Lady and Her Rosary are more powerful than even the atomic bomb.

Austria 1955
There are many examples of the power of the Rosary. To give another example in our own time -- the Russian armies withdrew out of Austria in 1955, without one person being killed and without one shot being fired. It is the only time that the Militant Atheistic forces of Marxism have ever peacefully left a country in which they held power. This victory for the Catholic people of Austria is due to Our Lady and Her Rosary, because at that time ten percent of the people of Austria were praying the Rosary every day. The Rosary is more powerful than guns or bombs, as we can see from this example of Austria. Through the power of the Rosary, the forces of Militant Atheism gave Austria back its freedom. God has the power to soften any human heart, as Scripture says, “The heart of the king is in the Hand of God." God, through the intercession of Our Lady, and through the prayer of the Holy Rosary, softened the hearts of the Russian rulers, and thus they gave Austria back its freedom. Sister Lucia of Fatima has said that there is no problem, either material or moral, national or international, that cannot be solved effectively by the Rosary and our sacrifices.

Today We Need the Rosary More Than Ever
We can see from events in the Middle East and in Eastern Europe that both Islam and Communism have not changed their goal of world domination and of enslaving each one of us. Today we are all very much threatened on every side by Communism and by Militant Atheism. But the Blessed Virgin Mary can overcome these forces of evil overnight if enough people will pray the daily Rosary.

Particularly is the Family Rosary recommended, for “the family that prays together stays together", and today our families are threatened with breakup on all sides. And in this regard, Pope St. Pius X said: “The Rosary is the most beautiful and the most rich in graces of all prayers, it is the prayer that touches most the Heart of the Mother of God . . . and if you wish peace to reign in your homes, recite the family Rosary."

Regarding the family Rosary, here is what some of the other Roman Pontiffs have said: “If you desire peace in your hearts, in your homes, in your country, assemble every evening to recite the Rosary." -- Pope Pius IX

“There is no surer means of calling down God’s blessings upon the family . . . than the daily recitation of the Rosary." -- Pope Pius XII

“It will not then seem too much to say that . . . in families . . . in which the Rosary of Mary retains its ancient honor, the loss of faith through error and vicious ignorance need not be feared." -- Pope Leo XIII

At Fatima, Our Lady asked us to recite the following prayer after each decade of the Rosary: “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need."

Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, "The rosary is the book of the blind, where souls see and there enact the greatest drama of love the world has ever known; it is the book of the simple, which initiates them into mysteries and knowledge more satisfying than the education of other men; it is the book of the aged, whose eyes close upon the shadow of this world, and open on the substance of the next. The power of the rosary is beyond description."

"If you say the Rosary faithfully until death, I do assure you that, in spite of the gravity of your sins you

shall receive a never-fading crown of glory. Even if you are on the brink of damnation, even if you have

one foot in hell, even if you have sold your soul to the devil as sorcerers do who practise black magic, and

even if you are a heretic as obstinate as a devil, sooner or later you will be converted and will amend your

life and will save your soul, if-- and mark well what I say-- if you say the Holy Rosary devoutly every day

until death for the purpose of knowing the truth and obtaining contrition and pardon for your sins."

- St. Louis De Montfort

"There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot solve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary."

--Sister Lucia, of the seers of Fatima

The faults of children are not always imputed to the parents, especially when they have instructed them and given good example. Our Lord, in His wonderous Providence, allows children to break the hearts of devout fathers and mothers. Thus the decisions your children have made don't make you a failure as a parent in God's eyes. You are entitled to feel sorrow, but not necessarily guilt. Do not cease praying for your children; God's grace can touch a hardened heart. Commend your children to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. When parents pray the Rosary,at the end of each decade they should hold the Rosary aloft and say to her,"With these beads bind my children to your Immaculate Heart", she will attend to their souls.-- St. Louise de Marillac
Quo Primum
Great talk here from Fr Paul Robinson:
Great talk here from Fr Paul Robinson:
