The war
Angelo Santelli
Francis-Bergoglio Digs in His Heels against the New Latin Mess
Heretically Claims that Reading the Epistle and Gospel in Latin Is "Like Laughing at the Word of God"
An Angry Francis-Bergoglio
Digs in His Heels against the New Latin Mess
In His Newchurch of the New Order
He Again Calls Those Who Support It "Ideologues"
He Forbids the Epistle and Gospel
To Be Read or Chanted in Latin at the Altar
Francis-Bergoglio Digs in His Heels against the New Latin Mess
Heretically Claims that Reading the Epistle and Gospel in Latin Is "Like Laughing at the Word of God"

An Angry Francis-Bergoglio
Digs in His Heels against the New Latin Mess
In His Newchurch of the New Order
He Again Calls Those Who Support It "Ideologues"
He Forbids the Epistle and Gospel
To Be Read or Chanted in Latin at the Altar
Joining Himself to the Protestant Heretics
Against the Dogmatic Council of Trent
Which Declared only St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate
To Be "Authentic"
In a September 2, 2021, interview for Spanish radio, Francis-Bergoglio dug in his heels on his August 16, 2021, Motu Proprio "Traditionis custodis," essentially banning the New Latin Mess of 1962, sometimes erroneously called the "Extraordinary" Mess," in his Newchurch of the New Order. In fact, he ridiculed parts of that Mess, saying that proclaiming the Epistle and Gospel in Latin, the Church's sacred language, is "like laughing at the Word of God." Bergoglio in his widely-criticized Motu Proprio had specifically ordered that "in these [New Latin Mess] celebrations the readings are to be proclaimed in the vernacular language."
Such a statement is heretically Protestant, as it directly contradicts teaching of the dogmatic Council of Trent, which recognizes only the Vulgate Latin version of the Scriptures to be "held as authentic and that no one dare or presume under any pretext whatsoever to reject it" (Sessio IV). But Bergoglio is certainly not known for his theological knowledge; he just doesn't care about anything Catholic.
In the interview Bergoglio clarified that presbyters wishing to simulate the New Latin Mess must now be investigated for loyalty to the Vatican II Anti-council and receive permission from Newrome to become a kind of "bi-ritual" presbyter, who must also simulate the Mess declared by Benedict-Ratzinger to be the "Ordinary" Mess of Newchurch, i.e., the invalid (fake) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Vatican II New Mess of 1969. Bergoglio's statement indicates a complete rejection of the New Latin Mess as in any way "exclusive" or equal to the New Mess.
Bergoglio (rightly) pointed out that was Benedict-Ratzinger's own directive in the 2007 "Summorum pontificum" that required a re-evaluation. Bergoglio performed that evaluation and found that those attached to the New Latin Mess were often against the Vatican II Anti-council. He called these people "ideologues" -- a swear word for Bergoglio, who as a good Marxist/Modernist ideologue could not permit that. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LS News.]
Traditional Catholics, in case any Neocon Newchurcher was wishing for relief from a different Newpope soon (as if that would make any difference), Francis-Bergoglio stated in the interview that he has no problem from his recent surgery and has no intention whatsoever of abdicating. "It has never crossed my mind to abdicate," he stated. This is yet another promise that he has broken, as upon his election he said that he would remain in office only five years at the maximum.