Cardinal Dolan Plays ‘Trump’ Card on Pre-Born Babies

Lepanto Institute

by Michael Hichborn

Since July 14 of this year, the Center for Medical Progress has released five under-cover videos revealing Planned Parenthood’s potentially illegal trafficking of the body parts of fetal children.
Each video illustrated more and more of Planned Parenthood’s moral depravity as executives haggled over the price of tissues and organs harvested from aborted children. But even though Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s office is 2.6 miles from the National Headquarters of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and St. Patrick’s Cathedral is 1.7 miles away, and despite the fact that Cardinal Dolan is the chairman-elect of the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities, he has said absolutely nothing about the scandal or the Senate vote which failed yesterday to ban Planned Parenthood from Federal Funding.


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On Guard
Dolan has said nothing about the "selling of baby parts" to planned parenthood.... Just like Bergoglio has said nothing about homosexual marriage in Ireland before the election, nor has he said anything about the current problem with the "murder of innocent babies". This is proof that the example of the leaders sets the tone of the followers. SO, what do we expect??