holyrope 3
The 'Messy' Papacy (Aug 2, 2013) ChurchMilitantTV: Well, talk about making a 'mess' is exactly what we have.More
The 'Messy' Papacy (Aug 2, 2013)

ChurchMilitantTV: Well, talk about making a 'mess' is exactly what we have.
One thing looks for sure..he won't be promoting the TLM.
Hay Zeus
Let's hope this papacy doesn't continue being "messy".
mgr Ricca is NOT a bishop!!!
There is no two paths to take regarding the Sin of Sodomy. It must be said and professed as it always has been by Our Church Fathers, Saints, and Popes.
Francis could have at least added to his response that Scripture tells us that we are to admonish our erring brothers and in Public if needed! So that others are not called to scandal. Stop the pussyfooting around with this subject..one would think …More
There is no two paths to take regarding the Sin of Sodomy. It must be said and professed as it always has been by Our Church Fathers, Saints, and Popes.

Francis could have at least added to his response that Scripture tells us that we are to admonish our erring brothers and in Public if needed! So that others are not called to scandal. Stop the pussyfooting around with this subject..one would think that with all the billions $$$$ of payouts from homosexual child abuses, a lesson would have been learned by now! The Apostles didn't care about being popular or liked, they cared about teaching God's laws and Truth! 😇
What exactly was the question asked to the pope regarding Msgr Ricca that prompted the reply he gave. Is there a video on this?
Surely, the pope had been quite aware of the homosexuals within the clergy before he became pope..why wouldn't he realize that whatever he says, however he answers these reporters, it most likely will get misconstrued and the libs will run with it. I do not believe Benedict …More
What exactly was the question asked to the pope regarding Msgr Ricca that prompted the reply he gave. Is there a video on this?

Surely, the pope had been quite aware of the homosexuals within the clergy before he became pope..why wouldn't he realize that whatever he says, however he answers these reporters, it most likely will get misconstrued and the libs will run with it. I do not believe Benedict XVI would have ever given such a reply. But he is not Benedict XVI. 🧐