
Padre Pio quote

(In contrast) From Argentinian Bishops, about Amoris Laetitia:
In other, more complex circumstances, and when it is not possible to obtain a declaration of nullity, the aforementioned option [i.e. “continence”] may not, in fact, be feasible. Nonetheless, it is equally possible to undertake a journey of discernment. If one arrives at the recognition that, in a particular case, there are limitations that diminish responsibility and culpability (cf. 301-302), particularly when a person judges that he would fall into a subsequent fault by damaging the children of the new union, Amoris Laetitia opens up the possibility of access to the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist (cf. notes 336 and 351). These in turn dispose the person to continue maturing and growing with the aid of grace.

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