
The Little War that could...

At the beginning of his presidency, the Dominican Republic’s president Luis Abinader, gave a speech on the 76th UN general assembly and warned them about Haiti’s chaos and unrelented migration into the Dominican mainland, he explained to the UN that Haiti cannot sustain itself and Dominican Republic can’t continue solving this problem any longer.

This speech happened in August, 2021, two months later 17 missionaries from US and Canada were kidnapped, gangs overtook the streets of Haiti… and the UN? nowhere to be found.

Haitians have invaded the Dominican Republic to the tune of 2 million (some say is way more than that), there are certain towns in DR occupied 100% by Haitians (mostly near the border), the tourist area of Punta Cana (all the way to the east facing the Mona canal and Puerto Rico), has more Haitians than Dominicans working there.

To a Haitian, the whole island is ONE, not 2 countries, nooo… the island is one for all of us to live, Dominicans and Haitians, to a Dominican the island is one but with 2 countries; I remember my literature professor while me studying in my University, so many years ago, telling us on this issue: “Eventually we’ll have to fight them”, I’d asked: “why do you think that?”, he said: “their services and goods are few, their military has good equipment (at the time they had a military force), so you don’t expect them to throw themselves into the sea, do you?”

When president Jean Bertrand Aristide was deposed by a military coup by general Raoul Cedras in 1991, the main reason he gave for the coup was because President Aristide wanted war against the Dominican Republic in order to unify the island as one, this is something my father heard from Raoul Cedras himself in 1991.

Democrat president Bill Clinton disbanded the Haitian military, Bertrand Aristide came back to power to be deposed again way later, since then, Haiti only have known destruction… earthquakes, every kind of disease outbreaks, hunger and chaos… there is no electricity there unless you have an electric plant powered by gas, no wildlife, no trees for wood, their entire fish ecosystem is gone, it is sad to see.

Now, why is it that no power of this world wants to intervene? Many reasons could be given: Racism? Yes, most Haitians are black, that’s gotta be it, right? Money? Sure, how can you make money in what president Donald Trump called a hell hole country, he got crucified for it, even mocked by many, but many kidnappings, cholera outbreaks and even a Haitian president murdered shouts he was right.

I’ll give you my take… why is it that any power in the world or the United Nations done nothing? Because they serve the master of this world, and he wants the destruction of men, the benefit for the world would be to push Dominicans into a war with them, next, crucify the only nation in the world with the bible in the center of its flag, bible opened at John 8:32 showing “…the truth shall set you free.”

The world has never forgiven the Dominican Republic for that strong showing of faith, today most enemies of God are salivating on the notion of a war in which I assure you it’ll have many atrocities and death, in the end it’ll be the Dominican’s fault and this will be the opportunity to finally destroy a nation which embraced Christ from its conception and FUSE both nations into one.

Nations fighting over water is foolish, but for even less many nations have gone to war; Haiti’s building a canal to reroute water for them at the border and it would be fine, but all the communities living downstream the Massacre River (Dajabon river), would see their river dry up, their crops gone and the Dominican government taking the tap once again, spending hundreds of millions of dollars building dams and canals right where the river’s starts deep inside the Dominican mountains and solve the problem.

Every Dominican feel war will eventually come, for years it has been an ongoing feel and all it’ll take is for some soulless individual to start some insane and evil thing against the other side and the world will have their war in the Caribbean.

Yesterday, Dominican planes flew low right at the border, and social media videos showed Haitian men dressed as military, seeing the display of power; now, we all know that Haiti doesn’t have military anymore, and this men weren’t police officers, so common sense show us this men are gang affiliated, the same gang whom kidnapped, steal and bully the entire Haitian nation… can you imagine them shooting their automatic rifles on those carriers with the entire Dominican military on the other side of the border?

Perhaps it is way too much of a conspiracy theory, right? Perhaps nothing will happen, perhaps faith will allow us to dodge the bullet and avoid the UN’s evil doing by them not doing the right thing, but what could you expect from the UN? Dominicans have the bible in their flag, it is criminal to have an abortion in DR (actually you could face long jail time), the gay agenda is not thriving like the US despite their very best efforts, regardless of a communist “pope” Catholicism isn’t in shambles like in some other countries (notwithstanding being a novus ordo nation), the only problem for the catholic faith in the not-so-distant future is Francis and his under the table venomous teachings creeping inside all catholic communities there (inside the communities in DR, there’s a constant talk about allowing homosexuals live and let them have their gay life with no issues and some other talks about letting priests get married, thanks false prophet Bergoglio).

It is sad to see such chaos, I say, let them have the water… it’s only money; but once you allow this something else will come up, Haiti cannot sustain itself, it’ll be a matter of time when something worse comes up and the powers will enjoy it while DR will have to pay for the broken plates, like we have as of today while all the other nations are getting ready to call DR racist, xenophobes and in case of war, criminals.

Now, my professor was wrong, the Haitians did threw themselves into the sea and went to central America, then to Mexico and then into the US in thousands and it’ll continue, but that doesn’t mean a good crisis, at the heart of the Caribbean, will let go to waste for the world, if war happens they will blame us and fuse two different countries and cultures into one, the net result will be chaos and destruction for us and smiles for hell.

“Sweet Lord, I beg you for the salvation of both Haiti and the Dominican Republic, let them be saved by the precious Blood of your only beloved Son our Lord Jesus Christ, give both nations wisdom and allow them to bow before You in adoration, let both countries understand that the world is pitting them against each other to destroy one another, don’t let them fall into darkness, be with them, embrace them and save them from themselves.” Amen.