St. Alban of Mainz - June 21 Alban of Mainz (Latin: Albanus or Albinus died in or near Mainz) was a Catholic priest, missionary, and martyr in the Late Roman Empire. He is venerated as Saint …More
St. Alban of Mainz - June 21

Alban of Mainz
(Latin: Albanus or Albinus died in or near Mainz) was a Catholic priest, missionary, and martyr in the Late Roman Empire. He is venerated as Saint Alban of Mainz in the Catholic Church, not to be confused with Saint Alban of Verulamium.

A church and monastery were built in Mainz in 804 to honour Alban. A map of Fulda from 786 seems to have already mentioned a chapel in Mainz dedicated to Alban. It became the centre of Saint Alban's Abbey, a large Benedictine monastery, which was renovated by Charlemagne in 806. The monastery was devastated in 1557 and never renewed.

Albert II, Count of Namur founded the collegiate church of St. Alban at Namur in 1047.[4] When the Diocese of Namur was created in 1559, it was expanded as St Aubin's Cathedral, which claims to possess relics of Alban of Mainz. He used to be commonly venerated in Wallonia, but barely in Flanders and the Netherlands. Alban was a rare example of a saint who was invoked for calamities in general rather than for a specific domain of problems that Catholics were dealing with.[20]

Both Alban of Mainz and Alban of Verulamium are represented in art as carrying their head between their hands, having been beheaded.[3]