The "Christian" left's silence speaks volumes

The "Christian" left's silence speaks volumes

Under cunning and deceptive labels such as so-called social justice and the common good, these extremist forces have managed to seize control of most major Catholic colleges; spread the false doctrine that war, poverty, the environment, abortion, and family issues are all morally equivalent; and largely position themselves as the face of Christianity in this country through sophisticated and aggressive public relations and marketing efforts as well as the gleeful assistance of a sympathetic, secular media.

Typically, the so-called Christian Left presents itself as a defender and its opponents as the foes of the poor, women, families, the environment, and human rights.

Typically, these people only recall Scriptural passages where Christ helps victims of society but conveniently get off the Scripture bus right before Jesus tells people not to sin and reminds them to repent from sin.

Typically, these people present themselves as victims as well, assailed by the "hate" of others pretending that everyone who opposes their arguments spews vulgarities and condemns them to hell and asking how it is not hypocritical to shame, judge, and attack others in the name of Christ.

Matthew 6:24 tells us that we cannot serve two masters, and this is no different for those attempting to serve religious and political/social agendas.

One cannot claim to be a Christian by citing only the half of the Bible that is convenient to one's political and social agenda.

One cannot claim to be a Christian and wink as Christianity and Christ are bashed.

One cannot claim to defend women and human rights and wink when Chinese or Islamic women are brutalized through forced abortions or honor killings simply because those victims are not one's preferred political flavor.
