Obama Supporters Resort To Vandalism in Response To Pro-Life Preaching. Joe Biden was scheduled to speak at Aldrich Middle School in Beloit Wi, at 9:00am on Friday Nov 2. Typical of the Democrats he …More
Obama Supporters Resort To Vandalism in Response To Pro-Life Preaching.

Joe Biden was scheduled to speak at Aldrich Middle School in Beloit Wi, at 9:00am on Friday Nov 2. Typical of the Democrats he was late and left his supporters standing out in the cold for over two hours.
This gave a group of 20 pro-lifers holding graphic pictures of babies murdered by abortion to preach the Gospel of Life to people waiting outside for the Biden campaign event.

Three veteran pro-lifers who have years of experience preaching about the horrors of abortion and the good news of Jesus Christ, raised their voices in defense of the unborn – and the Biden / Obama supporters were seething with frustration and anger because they had to stand outside for two hours and listen to a powerful pro-life message while they were surrounded by large pictures of babies in womb and of babies killed by abortion.
The Biden / Obama supporter tried to raise chants of “four more years” but could not sustain their enthusiasm for more than a minute in the face of a dozen huge pictures of aborted babies and their chants fell silent.
The Biden / Obama supporters became so frustrated that one of them attacked and vandalized two pro-life signs with spray paint.
A pro-life man had to restrain the attacker until the police arrived to deal with her.

When Biden finally arrived, over two hours late, he got a direct look at the pictures of babies killed by his pro-abortion policies. As the secret service quickly escorted Biden into the school the pro-abortion Vice President heard loud and clear the message shouted by a pro-lifers, “You are excommunicated from the Catholic Church according to Cannon Law 915 because you are responsible for the murder of God’s babies in the womb.”