Look - a biology lesson from people who think men can get pregnant!
chris griffin
The 4th block confuses everything.
What kind of logic is it? Talmudic one?
Nothing to laugh about here. The Talmudic "wisdom" follows the similar pattern, e.g. Rabbi Messinup Withyourmind said once to his disciples: Scrambled eggs are not chickens, fallen acorns are not oaks and no sage will take for his shirts the cotton from China, thus: goyim are not men.
All Saints
If the egg is fertilized, it is already a chicken. The acorn is the shell that contains a live seedling which is already an oak tree. The cotton was a living plant before being harvested. It does not “become” anything but remains much as it is and can be used to make a variety of non-living items in the future. The zygote child is already a human being. It does not need to wait to “become” one. …More
If the egg is fertilized, it is already a chicken. The acorn is the shell that contains a live seedling which is already an oak tree. The cotton was a living plant before being harvested. It does not “become” anything but remains much as it is and can be used to make a variety of non-living items in the future. The zygote child is already a human being. It does not need to wait to “become” one. It is here and has itks own unique DNA. Interestingly, of the four examples shown, only the zygote human can one day sit under that oak tree, on a cotton blanket and eat a chicken sandwich. You lose again, Abortionist Tranny Freaks.
So.. something that can germinate to produce a chicken (egg), a part of the whole oak tree (leaf & acorn), the main component of a shirt (cotton) all lead to the final "product" - BUT an unborn, developing baby [fetus if you want to be clinical] is "just" a clump of cells... riight 🥱
The Wandering Recluse
Amazing, isn't it? When someone uses the "clump of cells" line, I always respond with, "right, and a gun is just a clump of metal".
The Wandering Recluse
Oddly enough they are more than willing to protect the first three. . .