School Bans the Word ‘Easter’

School Bans the Word ‘Easter’

Boys and girls at an Alabama elementary school will still get to hunt for eggs – but they can’t call them ‘Easter Eggs’ have the principal banished the word for the sake of religious diversity.

“We had in the past a parent to question us about some of the things we do here at school,” said Heritage Elementary School principal Lydia Davenport. “So we’re just trying to make sure we respect and honor everybody’s differences.”

Television station WHNT reported that teachers were informed that no activities related to or centered around any religious holiday would be allowed – in the interest of religious diversity.

“Kids love the bunny and we just make sure we don’t say ‘the Easter Bunny’ so that we don’t infringe on the rights of others because people relate the Easter bunny to religion,” she told the television station. “ A bunny is a bunny and a rabbit is a rabbit.”

“I don’t get upset about too many things, but this upsets me,” one parent wrote to the television station. “Even non-believers enjoy a good egg hunt. Kids need to enjoy being kids.”

Davenport reconsidered the ban after meeting with district leaders – but she still won’t allow teachers to use the word ‘Easter.’

Gloria.TV – News Briefs
“So we’re just trying to make sure we respect and honor everybody’s differences.”
Except the people we don't like. They have to shut up or pay the price.
Why are the DUMBEST members of society the ones teaching children?! We should be using the right half of the bell-curve for such an important job!
"Why are the DUMBEST members of …More

“So we’re just trying to make sure we respect and honor everybody’s differences.”

Except the people we don't like. They have to shut up or pay the price.

Why are the DUMBEST members of society the ones teaching children?! We should be using the right half of the bell-curve for such an important job!

"Why are the DUMBEST members of society the ones teaching children?!"

Because they're the easiest courses in college and have the lowest standards?

With the frequency that these types of anti-Christian incidents are happening, I have no doubt that there is a group or possibly a network of atheists and/or Muslims who constantly search for schools they can target.

The parents of a school child will complain to their local Elementary/Middle/High school about whatever pissed them off concerning Christian practices in that school and demand that they be curtailed in the name of "Diversity".

Heck, the pedophiles have their own underground network, why not these jerks?

And the school administrators are more than willing to go along rather than risk litigation.

It only takes one administrator with some b@ll$ to stand up and say, "Your objection has been noted and recorded. Now, go get 51% of the parents of children here to agree with you and we will be glad to accede to your wishes. Otherwise, get over it."

I live in Madison. It is not your typical southern town, due to NASA and the redstone arsenal. Very diverse population of Indian, Asian, Muslim, German, etc.

That being said this principal angered many and has been very progressive minded compared to the 6 other elementary schools in this district.

Obama supporter and voter.

The board had a backlash due to this, hopefully this will place her contract under question, they have been trying to get rid of her a few years, sadly an example of union keeping incompetence in the system.