Message to Father Michel Rodrigue – 12 February 2023More
Message to Father Michel Rodrigue – 12 February 2023
English Catholic
That seems like a pretty strong condemnation to me, and the bishop's letter also shows unfulfilled prophecy (i.e. a nuclear war in 2020) which is the hallmark of a false mystic/seer.
I don't judge at this point. Padre Pio was once strongly condemned, and silenced, but he obeyed. That is the litmus test. Even when falsely condemned by your superior in the Church, will you obey?
English Catholic
@CatholicDoors I've never studied this alleged seer, or read any of his alleged 'messages' but I was interested to see that you said he was condemned by his bishop. Is there proof of this online somewhere - an official condemnation? It would be good to have access to a link, if possible. Thanks.