
Dominican Archbishop of Liverpool promotes LGBTQ+ agenda

Archbishop Malcolm McMahon of Liverpool has sent the following message to the clergy of his diocese:

"Dear Brothers,

The recent response by the CDF to a dubium on the blessing of same-sex unions has caused some hurt amongst the faithful of the archdiocese and beyond. I have received correspondence myself on the issue, with one father writing in a letter that his son, who is gay, “is suffering because he has read about the recent pronouncement.” I am sure that the sentiment of this parent will echo the sentiments of many parents, and Ihave no doubt that this suffering is felt acutely. I also know that some of you will have heard similar sentiments from people you minister to and, perhaps, you have felt it yourselves. It is important therefore that we reach out to all our LGBT+ brothers and sisters, to show them that they have a place at the heart of our Church, and our archdiocese.

As Archbishop Mark Coleridge, Archbishop of Brisbane,has been reported as saying recently, the latest pronouncement should give us greater impetus to another conversation about inclusion.

Indeed, our Synod is, in one sense, just this: staying faithful to Tradition, but being open, through our learning, reflection, prayer and discernment, to the new insights which the Holy Spirit offers to us about the depths and breadth of God’s creation.

We are a stronger and more powerful witness to Christ because of the presence of our LGBT+ brothers and sisters, indeed, becauseof the inclusion of all the people of God. Far from denying their experience, and the reality of their lives, we should learn from them and hear God speaking through that reality. We would be poorer without them.

It is my hope and prayer that we will find new ways of expressing this inclusivity, understanding the language we use, and employing the talents of everyone, to witness more profoundly in our lives as priests, deacons, religious and lay faithful, a fundamental Gospel teaching: that God’s love has no limits."

가입을 원합니다
God’s love has no limits //
But bishops' love have limits.
How could they say " Love your enemies" ?
National Churches –
"to the new insights which the Holy Spirit offers to us" Sure is Pope Francis in here. Except he's the guy who approved the CDF document. :P