Cardinal Dolan: Obama's 'gay marriage' support undermines society

Cardinal Dolan: Obama's 'gay marriage' support undermines society

Washington D.C., May 10, 2012 / 02:06 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan is charging President Barack Obama with undermining the “very cornerstone of society” by supporting “gay marriage.”

Cardinal Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, described the president’s endorsement as “deeply saddening.”

The bishops “cannot be silent in the face of words or actions that would undermine the institution of marriage, the very cornerstone of our society,” he said in a May 9 statement. “The people of this country, especially our children, deserve better.”

Cardinal Dolan said that the announcement was “not surprising” based on the Obama administration’s previous actions, which “erode or ignore the unique meaning of marriage.”

He called for prayer and efforts to “promote and protect marriage” in order to “serve the true good of all persons.”

In an unprecedented move, Obama announced his support for “same-sex marriage” in a May 9 interview with ABC News' Robin Roberts.

Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Comments from FR:
Three thoughts:
1. Remember when Barry's Green Jobs Czar Van Jones said that Barry's black support wouldn't falter even if he comes out as gay? It's sort of interesting that some of the major network news leads were NOT saying, "President Obama announces his support of gay marriage" but "President Obama comes out in support of gay marriage," but this could just be the penchant of …More
Comments from FR:

Three thoughts:

1. Remember when Barry's Green Jobs Czar Van Jones said that Barry's black support wouldn't falter even if he comes out as gay? It's sort of interesting that some of the major network news leads were NOT saying, "President Obama announces his support of gay marriage" but "President Obama comes out in support of gay marriage," but this could just be the penchant of the media for cleverness, but to date they've been very hands-off in any sort of criticism of The One.

2. In response to an interviewer who asked Barry if Biden's remarks on the subject spurred him to change his mind, Barry stammered a bit as he is wont to do without the comforting presence of TOTUS and said that he had been supporting gay marriage since before the election--then backed up and said since before the convention. Well, if true, then all his comments to the contrary since before the convention or the election were, uh, well, lies, right? Or, rather, carefully nuanced statements consistent with his current evolutionary state on the subject in terms of securing whatever it was he felt he needed to secure at that particular moment: "Oops, seems I, uh, need a third eye, let me quickly evolve that."

3. He's off today to do a scheduled fundraiser with the organization of at least one of the letters of the LGBT "community" and another at George Clooney's place that will feature a number of pro-gay marriage and heavily-laden-with-campaign-cash guests. Could there possibly be a connection between his need to pump up his detumescing base, his less-than-amazing fundraising this time around, his publicly-declared abandonment of middle class white voters, and his latest evolutionary stage recapitulating his 1994 pro-gay marriage stance, recalling to mind Kerry's claiming to have voted for a bill before voting against it?

Is Barry really telling us how he really feels (keeping in mind the comments of his friend at Columbia who was a girl about his being very closed, having sharp edges, and manifesting deceptive warmth)? Or is he, once again, shaping his message like he shaped his memoirs, altering, compressing, conflating, and renaming, to maximally impact the largest possible donors, image-makers, and ideological soul brothers toward the ka-CHING needed to get him where he wants to be come November?

Cardinal Dolan seems to be a fine man, but I don’t think he realizes that many catholics who are Democrats-—are democrats first and catholics second , and only if Catholicism doesn’t get in their way.

I know, I have spoken to them, They will vote Obama if Obama started putting Catholics on the trains to Auschwitz.

If Cardinal Dolan and the Catholic Bishops continue to stand up to President Obama on Religious issues it will have a major negative effect on the Obama campaign.My wife and I pray each night The Bishops have courage to stand up to Obama.

The Bishop’s have been backed into a corner.
They MUST stand up, or close down.

For years they pushed illegal immigration, they pushed for Universal Health care. Hopefully they have now seen what happens when you get your wish. They should have been working to save souls and discipline Catholic Universities all along.

They allowed pedophiles to escape civil punishment and did not purge the Church of the diseased clergy, Now they see what happens when these Pedophiles and homosexuals grow strong. Same sex marriage must never be allowed in a catholic Church, despite what Pelosi says.What a despicable human being she is. She Biden, Hoyer, and others who call themselves catholics should be banned from the Sacraments.

The Bishops coasted too long and now we have an unholy mess.
Forced birth control insurance, same sex marriage,Naval Chaplains cannot mention Jesus Christ, soon free speech in the Church will not be allowed due to hate crime laws.