Apr. 26, Our Lady of Good Counsel. Reflection for 4/26/10 www.apostleshipofprayer.orgMore
Apr. 26, Our Lady of Good Counsel.

Reflection for 4/26/10 www.apostleshipofprayer.org
A lesson for our times
It is not difficult to see in the miracle of Genazzano many similarities to our times.
Then, a world was falling victim to a great moral and religious crisis; the churches were being invaded by a terrible enemy [the Turks entering Albania]; and two faithful soldiers and a brave widow who “against hope believed in hope” (Rom 4:18). …More
A lesson for our times

It is not difficult to see in the miracle of Genazzano many similarities to our times.

Then, a world was falling victim to a great moral and religious crisis; the churches were being invaded by a terrible enemy [the Turks entering Albania]; and two faithful soldiers and a brave widow who “against hope believed in hope” (Rom 4:18).

Today, the moral and religious crisis reaches almost incomprehensible depths; an invasion of the Church is coming from within her own walls and appears to have worked almost a total destruction; yet, here and there, there are those faithful souls who build their chapels and combat the moral laxity, confiding in the promise that Our Lady gave at Fatima of a triumph, a restoration. Here and there, there are those courageous souls who do not fear to brave public opinion, openly profess their faith and oppose the Conciliar and post Conciliar abuses inside the Church that have been fostered among the highest echelons of ecclesiastical authority. Here and there, the half-finished walls of the church rise as people gather to assist at the Traditional Latin Mass and keep alive the abandoned pious devotions.

One of great graces one finds at the feet of Our Lady of Genazzano and from the example of the noble Petruccia is that of confidence. If we have the courage to pray and act with confidence for great or impossible things, great and impossible things will be given us. God never refuses confident prayers, and bestows his gifts in proportion to our confidence.

Today, as Our Lady warned at Fatima, we face an immense crisis that demands a supernatural solution. Yet those who confide in the great promise Our Lady gave, a promise of triumph and victory, should expect to see, like Petruccia, the fulfillment of that promise and to live and see at least the first days of that glorious Marian era predicted by St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, the great prophet of the Reign of Mary.