Vatican gives SSPX until Friday to accept agreement

Vatican gives SSPX until Friday to accept agreement

The Holy See has asked the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) to accept the agreement proposed by Rome by Friday, February 22, the day the Church celebrates the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, so before Benedict XVI resignation comes into effect, reports Vatican Insider.

Following the “personal” and highly spiritual letter sent by US archbishop Augustin Di Noia, to the Lefebvrians last December, a new letter dated January 8 has reached the SSPX's Superior, Bishop Bernard Fellay.

It would not be correct to call it an ultimatum as such but the document signed by the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and President of the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller (pictured), imposes a deadline on the Lefebvrians for the first time. A particularly dramatic move in light of Benedict XVI's shock resignation.

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Thanks News-Briefs. So many wolves in the Vatican.
@mposes a deadline on the Lefebvrians for the first time. A particularly dramatic move in light of Benedict XVI's shock resignation.
To compare:
Decision of Archbishop Müller about an liberal University in Peru (canceld by Card. Bertone! - Thanks to Card. Bertone!):
Kardinal Bertone gegen Erzbischof Müller: Katholische Universität in Peru
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@mposes a deadline on the Lefebvrians for the first time. A particularly dramatic move in light of Benedict XVI's shock resignation.

To compare:

Decision of Archbishop Müller about an liberal University in Peru (canceld by Card. Bertone! - Thanks to Card. Bertone!):

Kardinal Bertone gegen Erzbischof Müller: Katholische Universität in Peru

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Gloria.TV – News Briefs
the document signed by the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and President of the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller (pictured), imposes a deadline on the Lefebvrians for the first time.
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The German Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller Prefect of the CDF and now disgraced advocate of a Peruvian "Catholic" university that …More

the document signed by the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and President of the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller (pictured), imposes a deadline on the Lefebvrians for the first time.

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The German Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller Prefect of the CDF and now disgraced advocate of a Peruvian "Catholic" university that taught condemned and heretical “liberation theology”, is now sitting in judgement of the SSPX?

At the same time, German Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller Prefect of the CDF says nothing to his dear fellow German bishops who are advocating the use of the abortifacient morning-after pill to be used in Catholic hospitals?

Along with the additional embarrassment and degradation of moral authority, these occurrences demonstrate incredible incompetence at every level of the Catholic Church.