Psalms of Morning Prayer for Monday, April 6, 2015 Psalms of Morning Prayer for Monday within the Octave of Easter Psalm 63 A soul thirsting for God Romans 10 'Missa de Angelis - e Canti Dell' Anno …More
Psalms of Morning Prayer for Monday, April 6, 2015

Psalms of Morning Prayer for Monday within the Octave of Easter

Psalm 63 A soul thirsting for God
Romans 10

'Missa de Angelis - e Canti Dell' Anno Liturgico: Ave Maris Stella', performed by Stirps Iesse on the album 'Ultimate Most Relaxing Chant In the Universe'; 'Antiphon Caritas habundant in omni a' performed by Anonymous 4 on the album 'The Origin of Fire - Music and Visions of Hildegard von Bingen.' Both albums are available on Amazon and iTunes.

'The Psalms of Morning Prayer is a brief, daily devotional based on Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours.

The Psalms of Morning Prayer is sponsored by the Confraternity of Penitents, a canonically approved Private Association of the Faithful with commendation in the Roman Catholic Church, and whose single and married lay members worldwide follow the Rule of the Third Order of Saint Francis of Assisi. Visit us at www.penitents.org.

Testimonial: A.H. Produced by David Rollins, penitentis1@gmail.com.
😁 Testimonial: 👍 😇