Sex Isn’t Everything

Kendra loved the new apartment. Situated in a maze of several hundred units—this one was theirs alone. Her youthful dream was finally being realized.

Living together meant no more nights apart. She shivered with anticipation thinking about all the time they’d have with each other. As she unpacked her dishes, pots and pans, she imagined dinners prepared in the tiny kitchen and long evenings with just the two of them.

Like thousands of couples across America, they’d co-signed a lease together, but didn’t bother with the marriage certificate. Over the last fifty years, cohabitation has increased 1500%.

Living together is perceived to be like training wheels on a bike. Get your balance. See how smooth the ride is. It’s the post-modern way to be protected from marital failure—kind of like a condom to prevent a divorce.

Sexually-charged couples move in together and soon discover that sex isn’t everything. Life goes on—sharing a bed doesn’t get the clothes washed, the bills paid, or resolve the questions about what’s next. Women hope for eventual permanence, while men tend to see it as a test drive.

Living together means that you agree to leave the back door cracked for a quick exit.

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