10 Reasons to Oppose Same-Sex "Marriage" Get future TFP updates here: www.tfpstudentaction.org/join-student-action.html Young Americans are not about to allow the sacred institution of marriage to be …More
10 Reasons to Oppose Same-Sex "Marriage"

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Young Americans are not about to allow the sacred institution of marriage to be thrown under the bus by the homosexual movement. In fact, TFP Student Action has just launched a new educational video that makes a powerful case against the imposition of homosexual unions in our culture.

The urgent need for this educational video became apparent after TFP Student Action volunteers visited institutions of higher learning such as Brown, Berkeley and George Washington University and found students ill-equipped to stand up for true marriage.

"Marriage is being debated across the nation, especially on college campuses, so we decided to make a video that would help students defend natural marriage in a serious and respectful way," said TFP volunteer Matthew Miller, 20. "The video is really useful right now because activist judges are playing God, thinking they have the power to change the definition and nature of true marriage. They don't. And this video proves it."

Liberal professors only present one side of the issue -- the wrong side, the politically correct position. The truth is rarely heard in the classroom. But this TFP video puts moral correctness above political correctness, challenging the falsehood of the homosexual movement.

"Even at Catholic universities like Georgetown, students are not given good reasons to oppose same-sex 'marriage,'" said Miller. "Only the misleading talking points of the homosexual agenda get parroted everywhere -- in class, out of class, on TV and in the newspapers. So I'm sure this video will help lots of students understand why they should stand up to defend marriage and family."

Please share this video with your friends. Send it to every college student you know. Help us outsmart liberal professors and save the sacred institution of marriage and family.
silver_light shares this
Excellent!!! We must defend the sacred institution of marriage and family. God bless your labor
👏 👏 👏 👏
Fiel A Cristo
the word marriage is usually derived from the term " matris munium " from two Latin words : the first " matris " which means "mother" and the second , " munium ", " charge or care " coming to mean " mother care for the husband / father " Because we understand that the complementation of the opposite sexes is needed , it is natural and always supported Christianity and its church. Homosexual unions …More
the word marriage is usually derived from the term " matris munium " from two Latin words : the first " matris " which means "mother" and the second , " munium ", " charge or care " coming to mean " mother care for the husband / father " Because we understand that the complementation of the opposite sexes is needed , it is natural and always supported Christianity and its church. Homosexual unions , can not be called marriage because they are the same sex , why a church fair and inveriable fulfills the biblical teachings in this regard .... Never should support unions of same-sex and consider this act contempt of God's commands . The two-parent family is a blessing from God. We must protect it and always defend it.
😇 👏 🙏 Very good apologetic! Thx!!!
Viva la Iglesia
Obama is crazy! 😡 😡 😡
Viva la Iglesia
God bless The TFP Student Action!
One more comment from Viva la Iglesia
Viva la Iglesia
The same-sex unions are not marriage. Obama is a servant of Satan 😡 .
adeste fideles
🤗 🤗 🤗
Maurizio Muscas
Optime locutum est!
Thank you for posting this!
Dios nos ayude 🙏
God bless you for this video.
👍 👍 👍 😇
la verdad prevalece
👍 Thanks TFP Student
TFP Student Action
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Young Americans are not about to allow the sacred institution of marriage to be thrown under the bus by the homosexual movement. In fact, TFP Student Action has just launched a new educational video that makes a powerful case against the imposition of homosexual unions in our culture.
The urgent need for this …More
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Young Americans are not about to allow the sacred institution of marriage to be thrown under the bus by the homosexual movement. In fact, TFP Student Action has just launched a new educational video that makes a powerful case against the imposition of homosexual unions in our culture.

The urgent need for this educational video became apparent after TFP Student Action volunteers visited institutions of higher learning such as Brown, Berkeley and George Washington University and found students ill-equipped to stand up for true marriage.

"Marriage is being debated across the nation, especially on college campuses, so we decided to make a video that would help students defend natural marriage in a serious and respectful way," said TFP volunteer Matthew Miller, 20. "The video is really useful right now because activist judges are playing God, thinking they have the power to change the definition and nature of true marriage. They don't. And this video proves it."

Liberal professors only present one side of the issue -- the wrong side, the politically correct position. The truth is rarely heard in the classroom. But this TFP video puts moral correctness above political correctness, challenging the falsehood of the homosexual movement.

"Even at Catholic universities like Georgetown, students are not given good reasons to oppose same-sex 'marriage,'" said Miller. "Only the misleading talking points of the homosexual agenda get parroted everywhere -- in class, out of class, on TV and in the newspapers. So I'm sure this video will help lots of students understand why they should stand up to defend marriage and family."

Please share this video with your friends. Send it to every college student you know. Help us outsmart liberal professors and save the sacred institution of marriage and family.