Consecrate oneself totally to Jesus by Mary: God's secret army. This video is to present to you this book that I wrote to help grow this army, given everything to God; it is about this great devotion …More
Consecrate oneself totally to Jesus by Mary: God's secret army.

This video is to present to you this book that I wrote to help grow this army, given everything to God; it is about this great devotion to Mary, of St Louis-Marie Grignon de Monfort. This consecration so loved and recognized for centuries, and which has been carried by those who have appropriated it; so many fruits for the salvation of souls, and the greater glory of God.

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ISBN 13: 978-2-9822099-4-7
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IMPORTANT, this consecration begins this Wednesday, March 6 and ends on April 8, the world needs you through this consecration, you will contribute to its deliverance from the forces of evil, listen to this video and its explanations. May God keep us.
Consecrate oneself totally to Jesus by Mary - God's secret armyMore
IMPORTANT, this consecration begins this Wednesday, March 6 and ends on April 8, the world needs you through this consecration, you will contribute to its deliverance from the forces of evil, listen to this video and its explanations. May God keep us.

Consecrate oneself totally to Jesus by Mary - God's secret army
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remi dec