Foul play by the German bishops- "Morning after" pill: a fait accompli during the Sede Vacante

Photo ~ Joachim Kardinal Meisner and friend

Foul play by the German bishops- "Morning after" pill: a fait accompli during the Sede Vacante

"Are the German bishops playing foul by exploiting the Roman interregnum?" They convey this impression at least writes the Spanish church historian Francisco de la Cigoña. Although the Holy See only is vacant on 28 February, there is little doubt that in these final days of the pontificate of Benedict XVI, which are taken up by Lenten exercises, substantial papal decisions are hardly to be expected. "We experience a church that is for a month without a head," said de la Cigoña.

"It seems almost pathetic that the German bishops could take advantage of this time to introduce the morning-after pill and provide the next Pope with a fait accompli," said church historian on recent German events. No sooner does the Pope tender his resignation, than the German bishops availed themselves og the opportunity of a semi-Sede Vacante and soon the full Sede Vacante, to turn their backs on "non-negotiable values"? It all began with a media hyped rape case in Cologne which distorted the facts.

"Rape cases represent only a tiny number of all the reasons for abortion and have been used since the beginning of the abortion debate as the crowbar with which the abortion lobby could overturn the right to life. And this has been very successful. A marginal exception is converted into a measure of the total issue, because it can be used as a moral cudgel against pro-lifers. The urge to defend himself against the media orchestrated attacks against institutions of the Archdiocese of Cologne, Cardinal Archbishop Joachim Meisner pussyfooted into abortion cases, by leaning on alleged research coming from all place the abortion lobby.

Liars and frauds dare not enter the papal conclave, resign German "cardinals".
Woe to you you harm the little ones......
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Erzbischof Joachim Kardinal Meisner selbst in die Abtreibungsfalle, indem er sich auf angebliche Forschungsergebnisse ausgerechnet der Abtreibungslobby stützte. Seither steht die Frage im Raum, ob er einfach nur schlecht beraten war oder ob es sich um eine tatsächliche Richtungsänderung in der katholischen Kirche in Deutschland handelt. Vielleicht, um endlich aus dem lästig gewordenen …More

Erzbischof Joachim Kardinal Meisner selbst in die Abtreibungsfalle, indem er sich auf angebliche Forschungsergebnisse ausgerechnet der Abtreibungslobby stützte. Seither steht die Frage im Raum, ob er einfach nur schlecht beraten war oder ob es sich um eine tatsächliche Richtungsänderung in der katholischen Kirche in Deutschland handelt. Vielleicht, um endlich aus dem lästig gewordenen Korsett des Lebensschutzes ausbrechen zu können, das so wenig dem „modernen Lebensgefühl“ zu entsprechen scheint und noch weniger den längst geltenden gesetzlichen Bestimmungen.

Cologne, Cardinal Archbishop Joachim Meisner pussyfooted into abortion cases, by leaning on alleged research coming from all place the abortion lobby.
Res ipsa loquitur