Saint Bernardine of Siena. www.journeysoffaith.com/product-page/saint-bernardin… Taped on location in Siena Based on Bob and Penny Lord’s book, “Saints Maligned, Misunderstood and Mistreated.” Reformer …More
Saint Bernardine of Siena.

Taped on location in Siena
Based on Bob and Penny Lord’s book,
“Saints Maligned, Misunderstood and Mistreated.”

Reformer of the Franciscan Movement. Reformer of the Franciscans

Come with us to Assisi and Siena, where Saint Bernardine converted the people to adore Jesus in the Eucharist.
See the symbol of the Eucharist in Siena and Florence as a result of evangelization by the Saint.
Follow the Saint on his last journey which ended in the mountain town of L’Aquila, where he died and is buried
👍 Thank You
Novena to Saint Bernardine of Siena Father, You gave Saint Bernardine a special love for the holy name of Jesus. By the help of his prayers, may we always be alive with the spirit of Your love. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. (MENTION YOUR REQUEST HERE). AmenMore
👍 Thank You

Novena to Saint Bernardine of Siena Father, You gave Saint Bernardine a special love for the holy name of Jesus. By the help of his prayers, may we always be alive with the spirit of Your love. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. (MENTION YOUR REQUEST HERE). Amen
✍️ Bob and Penny, it was only after I left my beloved California--and I missed driving the San Bernardino Freeway--and I started visiting Italy, that I could have kicked myself for not having learned more about this saint.....THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK AND FOR FILLING A BIG VOID IN THE VIDEO/DVD INDUSTRY 👍 😇 🤗
P.S. Tomorrow I'll upload the photo I took of the engraving of this …More
✍️ Bob and Penny, it was only after I left my beloved California--and I missed driving the San Bernardino Freeway--and I started visiting Italy, that I could have kicked myself for not having learned more about this saint.....THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK AND FOR FILLING A BIG VOID IN THE VIDEO/DVD INDUSTRY 👍 😇 🤗
P.S. Tomorrow I'll upload the photo I took of the engraving of this saint's picture, on the door of the Cathedral...
😁 Are you really on line, Bob and Penny Lord??!! What an honor! 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
Exactly the Cathedral was heavily damaged by the Earthquake after we taped the program there.
👍 Another Saint I love!--we were in Aquila-his final resting place-last week, but the Cathedral was closed!! Perhaps because of the earthquake...not sure...