Why Should the Mass be Offered in Latin? Why not in the Vernacular? In this short talk, a priest will take you through a brief history of the languages that the Mass of the Roman Rite and the Divine …More
Why Should the Mass be Offered in Latin? Why not in the Vernacular?

In this short talk, a priest will take you through a brief history of the languages that the Mass of the Roman Rite and the Divine Liturgies found in the Eastern Rites have been offered in. He will explain what the Church has taught regarding certain unique situations where the Mass was permitted to be offered in the vernacular (vulgar tongue) only to return to the Latin language.

You will also get to see in the is video the Dogmatic teachings of the Church regarding the use of Latin, quotes from Popes and from Saints regarding both the importance and necessity of Latin in the Roman Rite of Mass. In addition, you will also see quotes from Popes, Saints and Dogmatic Councils regarding specific teachings on the Mass and condemnations against many abuses that were introduced by heretics and schismatics when they broke away from the Church.

This is a must listen to talk for anyone who wishes to gain knowledge on why the Mass was, for centuries, offered in Latin and why Roman Rite of Mass (i.e. the Tridentine Rite or Traditional Mass) is still offered in Latin to this day.
holyrope 3
Thats the Whole point...the Latin Mass is UNIVERSAL. All peoples from all over the world Come together in ONE language. There was a Naval Officer (some may know who I'm talking about) can't think of his name right now. He said that when his ship arrived at destination, the chaplain on board was called to an emergency and he had to go on land for Sunday Mass. While walking through the village in …More
Thats the Whole point...the Latin Mass is UNIVERSAL. All peoples from all over the world Come together in ONE language. There was a Naval Officer (some may know who I'm talking about) can't think of his name right now. He said that when his ship arrived at destination, the chaplain on board was called to an emergency and he had to go on land for Sunday Mass. While walking through the village in Japan, he inquired where he might be able to attend a Sunday Mass. He was given directions, and so he continued on just in time for the Mass to begin. He said that when he saw the priest and the male altar servers walk out and begin reciting the Latin prayers at the foot of the altar, he felt as though he was at home in the states. Every Church usually has a Mass book with both Latin and English. There is no playing around with the words and the form of the Mass Unlike your modern novus ordos.