Rabbis Do What Pastors, Priests and Theologians Should Do

Rabbis Do What Pastors, Priests and Theologians Should Do

The candidate against whom Turner (pro-life, pro-family Republican Bob Turner, who won the Congressional seat of the disgraced Anthony Weiner in New York's 9th Congressional District) ran in this special election was Democrat David Weprin who, while claiming to be an Orthodox Jew, endorsed the legalization of "same-sex marriage."

In the run up to the election, a group of Orthodox rabbis...including...notably Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky and Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen, two nationally prominent Orthodox Jewish authorities, published a letter stating that "it is forbidden to fund, support, or vote for David Weprin."

The reason? As a member of the New York state legislature, Weprin, despite his Orthodox Jewish beliefs, voted to redefine marriage to include same-sex partnerships. This, the rabbonim declared, was chillul Hashem---a desecration, or bringing of shame, on God's name. The rabbis went on to say that "Weprin's claim that he is Orthodox makes the chillul Hashem even greater."

Imagine if every orthodox Catholic priest and Protestant pastor, every Orthodox Jewish rabbi, and every orthodox theologian were to issue such a statement and preach and teach this idea to their congregants and students. The cultural ground, which is now little more than shifting sand, would seismically shift. And then maybe, just maybe, we could start to rebuild American culture on a more stable foundation.

Full story at Catholic Citizens.org
If a politician claiming to be a Catholic supports abortion "rights", let him be anathema, so long as he persists in his sin.
You see bishops, it isn't that hard.
If a politician claiming to be a Catholic supports abortion "rights", let him be anathema, so long as he persists in his sin.
You see bishops, it isn't that hard.
