
Irish Sister Philomene Tiernan died on MH17

The day before she boarded her fateful flight home, Sister Philomene Tiernan called the principal of the eastern suburbs school where she worked and regaled her with tales of her European sabbatical.
The much-loved and long-serving member of staff at Kincoppal-Rose Bay School, who was on the Malaysia Airlines jet that was shot down over eastern Ukraine, was returning home after attending a conference in Britain, a theology course in Ireland and a spiritual retreat in Burgundy, France.

"We are absolutely devastated ... the shock has been incredible": Hilary Johnston-Croke, Kincoppal principal. Photo: Janie Barrett

The Kensington resident had also used the trip to visit Paris' St Francis Xavier Church where Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat, the founder of the Society of the Sacred Heart is buried. Sister Tiernan was a Sister of the Sacred Heart.

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