US evangelist, Bishop Robert Barron, has criticized a recent article in The Atlantic magazine as being an anti-Catholic || SW NEWS || 589 Pope Francis has offered his condolences to the Coptic Church …More
US evangelist, Bishop Robert Barron, has criticized a recent article in The Atlantic magazine as being an anti-Catholic || SW NEWS || 589
Pope Francis has offered his condolences to the Coptic Church in Egypt which is currently mourning the death of 41 people in a church fire near Cairo.

Sri Lankan Cardinal expresses gratitude to pope for monetary help

The Archbishop of Colombo in Sri Lanka has expressed gratitude to Pope Francis for his monetary support to the families of the country’s 2019 Easter Sunday bombings.

Bishop Barron flays anti-Catholic article that appeared in The Atlantic

The popular US evangelist, Bishop Robert Barron, has criticized a recent article in The Atlantic magazine as being an anti-Catholic.

80 per cent of Polish families were involved in providing aid for Ukrainians: Caritas

Four in every five families in Poland are now involved in providing aid to war-torn Ukraine.

Pharma firm decides not to sell abortion-inducing mifepristone in USA’s Mississippi

In the US state of Mississippi, a pharmaceutical company has dropped its attempt to sell the abortion-inducing drug, Mife-pristone.

Brazilian bishops express solidarity with persecuted Church in Nicaragua

The bishops of Brazil have expressed closeness with the Church in Nicaragua which is currently being persecuted by the Sandinista government led by President Daniel Ortega.

Church vandalized with obscene graffiti in USA’s South Carolina

In the US state of South Carolina, a local Protestant denomination says it’s place of worship was targeted by vandals due to its opposition to abortion.

Sioux Falls diocese issues updated guidelines in curriculum to protect against LGBTQ agenda

The Diocese of Sioux Falls in South Dakota has updated its guidelines to ensure that Catholic teaching on human sexuality is upheld in schools.

Aid to the Church in Need urges UK government to intervene

The Pontifical charity, Aid to the Church in Need, is urging the British government to help bring stability in Nigeria.