"Baptism" now is considered a Gay Right ~Argentina

Translated from Spanish:
The Archbishop of Cordoba authorized the baptism of a girl child of a same sex couple. It is the second case registered in a Catholic church in Argentina, church sources confirmed today.
The celebration of the "sacrament" will occur on 5 April in Cordoba’s Cathedral Our Lady of the Assumption and chaired by Father Carlos Varas.
Church sources DyN ratified the Archbishop of Córdoba, Carlos Ñáñez authorized the church service after suggesting "general recommendations " to the case.
The sources said the prelate asked Carlos Varas to transmit to the couple which consists of two women, who have "special attention" in choosing godparents who would teach the child " to grow in the Catholic faith". They also said that the priest gave indications Ñáñez to have present in the baptismal record “general recommendations”, although no details of what they were.
Ecclesiastical sources stated this will be “the first baptism of a child of gay or lesbian parents " to be held in a Catholic church in the country.
"We had an audience with Bishop Ñáñez and said it was okay for the baby to be baptized in the cathedral," said the couple.
The girl is the daughter of Karina Villarroel, a member of the Cordoba Police and Soledad Ortiz, who married a little over a year prior thanks to the equal marriage law.
The couple maintains a legal dispute with the police authorities who will not recognize Villarroel’s maternity leave of 180 days since she was not the pregnant mother.
A special Godmother
Villarroel and Ortiz told the local press that asked President Cristina Kirchner to be the godmother, adding that the process was already underway.
"The other day I talked about with the President who asked when this was to happen because she wanted to participate," Villarroel said the newspaper La Voz del Interior.
Church sources DyN recognized that the process for authorizing a baptism with these features "would have been more complicated if Jorge Bergoglio is not the Pope."
In September 2012, the archbishop of Buenos Aires demanded that the priests of the metropolitan region administer the sacrament of baptism to all babies resulting from an extramarital affair or child of a single mother.
"The procedure for authorizing a baptism with these features would have been more complicated if Jorge Bergoglio was not the pope," said Church sources
While not a reference to the children of same-sex couples Bergoglio said that clerics who refuse to do so are " hypocrites" and alienate people from the Church.

The First Case: Cardinal Bergolio permitted a homosexual ceremony in a Basilica of Buenos Aires

VIDEO: of the Famous transgender Florencia Trinidad who Cardinal Bergolio allowed to hold the ceremony in the Basilica of Buenos Aires
What kind of Catholic godmother is that one who helps directly with this sacrilege because she is collaborating with the gay couple to adopt a children; if the priest was really concerned about the salvation of that children would start by demanding that homosexuals couple be separated and live a chaste life before to expose this children to the gay …More

What kind of Catholic godmother is that one who helps directly with this sacrilege because she is collaborating with the gay couple to adopt a children; if the priest was really concerned about the salvation of that children would start by demanding that homosexuals couple be separated and live a chaste life before to expose this children to the gay style life that we know damage Children. 🤦
la verdad prevalece
Baptism according to the word of God requires repentance; faith in Jesus Christ; and belief in the gospel. We thought we had resolved the dilemma for the baptism of the children because we said that Catholic parents accepted the faith fo the children and later when they can learn our faith they will be confirmed .
Acts 2:38-40
And Peter said to them, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in …More
Baptism according to the word of God requires repentance; faith in Jesus Christ; and belief in the gospel. We thought we had resolved the dilemma for the baptism of the children because we said that Catholic parents accepted the faith fo the children and later when they can learn our faith they will be confirmed .
Acts 2:38-40
And Peter said to them, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children and to all that are far off, every one whom the Lord our God calls to him.” And he testified with many other words and exhorted them, saying, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation.”

Acts 17:30
The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all men everywhere to repent.

Acts 16:31
And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

But today, this sacrament is being misused and abused thinking it is a gay right. But, gay couples in fact they are disqualified to teach the faith to children for the simple reason that they are living in mortal sin. Their bad example speaks louder than any sponsor the children might have.
To those Children the only option is to wait until the age of reason so they can meet the requirement of baptism which is repentance and belief in the gospel; otherwise you are throw out pearls before swine.

Wisdom 4:6
For children born of unlawful unions
are witnesses of evil against their parents when God examines them

This is a "gay right" issues they are not concern about the sacrament because if they really believe in the Gospel they will start for living a chaste life. 🤨