Sermon for the Feast Day of St. Teresa of Avila. As always Beautiful from the Catholic Blog Ars orandi arsorandi.blogspot.com/…/collect-of-day-… Beauty of the Catholic Faith in art and doctrine St.…More
Sermon for the Feast Day of St. Teresa of Avila.

As always Beautiful from the Catholic Blog Ars orandi arsorandi.blogspot.com/…/collect-of-day-…

Beauty of the Catholic Faith in art and doctrine

St. Teresa of Avila

Virgin and Doctor
The Liturgical Year
by Dom Guéranger, O.S.B.

“Although the Church triumphant in heaven, and the Church morning here on earth, appear to be completely separated,” says Bossuet on this feast, “they are nevertheless united by a sacred bond. This bond is charity, which is found in this land of exile as well as in our heavenly country; which rejoices the triumphant saints, and animates those still militant; which, descending from heaven to earth, and from angels to men, causes earth to become a heaven, and men to become angels. For, O holy Jerusalem, happy Church of the first-born whose names are written in heaven, although the Church thy dear sister, who lives and combats here below, ventures not to compare herself with thee, she is not the less assured that a holy love unites her to thee. It is true that she is seeking, and thou possessest; that she labours, and thou art at rest; that she hopes, and thou rejoices. But among all these differences which separate the two so far asunder, there is this at least in common: that what the blessed spirits love, the same we mortals love. Jesus is their life, Jesus is our life; and amid their songs of rapture and our sighs of sorrow, everywhere is heard to resound these words of the sacred Psalmist: It is good for me to adhere to my God.”

Of this sovereign good of the Church militant and triumphant, Teresa, in a time of decadence, was commissioned to remind the world, from the height of Carmel restored by her to its pristine beauty. After the cold night of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the example of her life possessed a power of irresistible attraction, which survives in her writings, drawing predestined souls after her in the footsteps of the divine Souse.
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Beauty of the Catholic Faith in art and doctrine
St. Teresa of Avila
Virgin and Doctor
The Liturgical Year
by Dom Guéranger, O.S.B.
“Although the Church triumphant in heaven, and the Church morning here on earth, appear to be completely separated,” says Bossuet on this feast, “they are nevertheless united by a sacred bond. This bond is charity, …More

Beauty of the Catholic Faith in art and doctrine

St. Teresa of Avila

Virgin and Doctor
The Liturgical Year
by Dom Guéranger, O.S.B.

“Although the Church triumphant in heaven, and the Church morning here on earth, appear to be completely separated,” says Bossuet on this feast, “they are nevertheless united by a sacred bond. This bond is charity, which is found in this land of exile as well as in our heavenly country; which rejoices the triumphant saints, and animates those still militant; which, descending from heaven to earth, and from angels to men, causes earth to become a heaven, and men to become angels. For, O holy Jerusalem, happy Church of the first-born whose names are written in heaven, although the Church thy dear sister, who lives and combats here below, ventures not to compare herself with thee, she is not the less assured that a holy love unites her to thee. It is true that she is seeking, and thou possessest; that she labours, and thou art at rest; that she hopes, and thou rejoices. But among all these differences which separate the two so far asunder, there is this at least in common: that what the blessed spirits love, the same we mortals love. Jesus is their life, Jesus is our life; and amid their songs of rapture and our sighs of sorrow, everywhere is heard to resound these words of the sacred Psalmist: It is good for me to adhere to my God.”

Of this sovereign good of the Church militant and triumphant, Teresa, in a time of decadence, was commissioned to remind the world, from the height of Carmel restored by her to its pristine beauty. After the cold night of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the example of her life possessed a power of irresistible attraction, which survives in her writings, drawing predestined souls after her in the footsteps of the divine Souse.
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