Jeffrey Little, Christian Lifeguard Sues Fire Department Discrimination FORCED RAISING OF PRIDE FLAG Captain Jeffrey Little is represented by Thomas More Society attorneys in a federal lawsuit against …More
Jeffrey Little, Christian Lifeguard Sues Fire Department Discrimination FORCED RAISING OF PRIDE FLAG
Captain Jeffrey Little is represented by Thomas More Society attorneys in a federal lawsuit against the Los Angeles County Fire Department, which illegally threatened him with dismissal for refusing to raise the 'Progress Pride Flag.' The case, filed in United States District Court on May 24, 2024, accuses the Fire Department of breaching Little's First Amendment rights as well as federal and state laws. Little's sincere and strongly held religious beliefs prohibit his participation in hoisting the Progress Pride Flag. For this, he has faced religious discrimination, harassment, and retaliation from the Los Angeles County Fire Department. In March 2023, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution requiring all county-operated buildings to fly the Progress Pride Flag during June. In June 2023, Little requested a religious accommodation that would exempt him from personally participating in the county board's resolution to raise the Progress Pride flag. On June 19, 2023, the Los Angeles County Fire Department first granted Little's request, promising him that he would not have to personally raise the Progress Pride Flag or see that it was raised at his station. Little's religious accommodation was cancelled 2 days later, on June 21, 2023. Almost immediately after the accommodation was revoked, Los Angeles County Fire Department personnel engaged in unlawful retaliation and harassment of Little. His superior officers, particularly Little's division and section chiefs ordered him to raise the Progress Pride Flag. Division Chief Fernando Boiteux told Little in a direct order on June 22, 2023, that "you are an LA County employee, that's the only thing that matters," and that "your religious beliefs do not matter." Little was dismissed from his post in the Fire Department's background investigation unit the following day. The Department then informed unauthorized parties that Little had requested a religious accommodation. Following his confession, Little got a death threat that also targeted his daughters. The federal lawsuit, brought on Captain Little's behalf by Thomas More Society attorneys, stems from the Fire Department's ongoing inability to accommodate Little's religious beliefs, as mandated by the United States Constitution, federal and state civil rights law. The verified complaint demands damages, a temporary restraining order, and a permanent injunction to safeguard Little's religious rights during Pride Month. NEWS SOURCE & LINKS: CHRISTIAN BREAKING NEWS: Who is Captain Jeffrey Little? Christian Lifeguard Sues County Fire Department for Religious Discrimination over Forced Raising of ‘Progress Pride Flag’ [#CaptainJeffreyLittle #JeffreyLittle #ProgressPrideFlag #PrideFlag]
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