Father Malachi Martin: 3rd Secret of Fatima, "Apostasy & Chastisement" Father Malachi Martin: 3rd Secret of Fatima, "Apostasy & Chastisement" Father Martin on Art Bell's Radio Show in the late 1990's …More
Father Malachi Martin: 3rd Secret of Fatima, "Apostasy & Chastisement"

Father Malachi Martin: 3rd Secret of Fatima, "Apostasy & Chastisement"

Father Martin on Art Bell's Radio Show in the late 1990's was asked how far away is the fruition of the real 3rd secret of Fatima (which concerns the formalized One World Religion/New World Order BUT also Planet X's arrival)? The answer he gave was that it was no later than 20 years away. 2017 marks the 100th year anniversary of Fatima. Prepare your soul well now...
It's impressive to see how GOD works. This morning I added the Gospel video for the Sunday March 15, 2015's reading (Jesus and Nicodemus ----Click here to view that video----). In that video and the Gospel, Christ says (John 3:12) , " You do not believe me when I tell you about the things of this world; how will you ever believe me, then, when I tell you about the things of heaven?"
Just like …More

It's impressive to see how GOD works. This morning I added the Gospel video for the Sunday March 15, 2015's reading (Jesus and Nicodemus ----Click here to view that video----). In that video and the Gospel, Christ says (John 3:12) , " You do not believe me when I tell you about the things of this world; how will you ever believe me, then, when I tell you about the things of heaven?"

Just like no one believed Noah when he warned everyone about the flood, the leaders of the church had problems believing Lucy. After all who would have believed priest would take advantage of young boys. The worse, the message, the easier it is for the devil to convince us not to believe it, after all that can't be true. Plus, the pope wants to believe he's infallible. Approving a message like the one Lucy was scared to tell anyone but found courage to write it down would be hard for anyone to believe. Maybe next time we should ask GOD to write it down for us like HE did for Moses. If HE wrote it in several languages which were unknown to the receiver of the message people might find it easier to believe. I have to admit there are a lot of liars in this world so finding the truth can be very difficult most of the times. To quote our local Italian Club, "TRUST BUT VERIFY." I'm glad the message wasn't given to me and that I didn't get the message from Lucy to pass on to others. I'm like Peter. My spirit is willing but my flesh is even weaker than his.

I doubt much will be learned from watching the skies. If GOD wants us to know HE'LL tell us and HE already has. To bad we don't have the faith to believe. If GOD wants to keep the destruction a secret till the last minute HE will and no one will be able to stop HIM from doing that.

The GOOD THING about the disaster, is that it will force people to help each other and make sacrifices for each other. Thus maybe the best people will survive or at least earn an eternal reward in heaven. Some will give up their lives to save others. They may be the luckiest because they won't have to see and live through the spiritual cleaning the most of us will have to endure. On the other hand, even suffering though the cleansing is better than taking the devil's easy road to eternal death.
Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy) 🧐
la verdad prevalece
Benedict XVI lands in Portugal, addresses sex abuse crisis aboard papal plane
la verdad prevalece
Friday, May 14, 2010
Pope connects Sex Abuse to FatimaVerdadera explicación del 3er secreto de Fátima. Lo demás son fantasías maquiavélicas.
The POPE linked the crisis with the religious persecution indicated in Fatima's third secret. He told reporters the clerical abuse scandal represents "the greatest persecution of the church," but said it was born from sins inside the church, not outside. …More
Friday, May 14, 2010

Pope connects Sex Abuse to FatimaVerdadera explicación del 3er secreto de Fátima. Lo demás son fantasías maquiavélicas.

The POPE linked the crisis with the religious persecution indicated in Fatima's third secret. He told reporters the clerical abuse scandal represents "the greatest persecution of the church," but said it was born from sins inside the church, not outside. The pope called the crisis "truly terrifying" and said the Church must seek profound penance, pardon and justice. This is the pope's first trip to Portugal since he was elected pope. His four day trip kicked off in Lisbon and ends in the city of Porto May 14th. eponymousflower.blogspot.com/…/pope-connects-s…
One more comment from la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
“One deceives himself who thinks that the prophetic mission of Fatima is concluded.” Pope Benedict XVI
One more comment from Fiel al Evangelio
Fiel al Evangelio
la verdad prevalece
tradcatknight 👍 Thanks Brother
'Wherefore, because the soul is purified in this furnace like gold in a crucible, as says the Wise Man, (Wisdom iii, 6) it is conscious of this complete undoing of itself in its very substance, together with the direst poverty, wherein it is, as it were, nearing its end, as may be seen by that which David says of himself in this respect, in these words: "save me, Lord (he cries to God), for the …More
'Wherefore, because the soul is purified in this furnace like gold in a crucible, as says the Wise Man, (Wisdom iii, 6) it is conscious of this complete undoing of itself in its very substance, together with the direst poverty, wherein it is, as it were, nearing its end, as may be seen by that which David says of himself in this respect, in these words: "save me, Lord (he cries to God), for the waters have come in even unto my soul; I am made fast in the mire of the deep and there is no place where I can stand; I am come into the depth of the sea and a tempest hath overwhelmed me; I have laboured crying, my throat has become hoarse, mine eyes have failed whilst I hope in my God." (Psalm lxviii, 2-4) Here God greatly humbles the soul in order that He may afterwards greatly exalt it; and if He ordained not that, when these feelings arise within the soul, they should speedily be stilled, it would die in a very short space; but there are only occasional periods when it is conscious of their greatest intensity. At times, however, they are so keen that the soul seems to be seeing hell and perdition opened.'

St. John of the Cross
'In her voyage across the ocean of this world, the Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life's different stresses. Our duty is not to abandon ship but to keep her on her course.'
St. BonifaceMore
'In her voyage across the ocean of this world, the Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life's different stresses. Our duty is not to abandon ship but to keep her on her course.'

St. Boniface
8 more comments from tradcatknight
'"Put to death therefore whatever is earthly in you: unchastity, uncleanliness, passion, evil desire and greed" (Col. 3:5). Earth is the name St. Paul gives to the will of the flesh. Unchastity is his word for the actual committing of sin. Uncleanness is how he designates assent to sin. Passion is his term for impassioned thoughts. By evil desire he means the simple act of accepting the thought and …More
'"Put to death therefore whatever is earthly in you: unchastity, uncleanliness, passion, evil desire and greed" (Col. 3:5). Earth is the name St. Paul gives to the will of the flesh. Unchastity is his word for the actual committing of sin. Uncleanness is how he designates assent to sin. Passion is his term for impassioned thoughts. By evil desire he means the simple act of accepting the thought and the desire. And greed is his name for what generates and promotes passion. All these St. Paul ordered us to mortify as "aspects" expressing the will of the flesh.'

St. Maximos the Confessor
'For even "what he seems to have," so He says, "shall be taken away from him;"
God not so much taking it away, as counting him unworthy of His gifts.
This we also do; when we see any one listening carelessly, and when with much entreaty we cannot persuade him to attend, it remains for us to be silent. For if we are still to go on, his carelessness is aggravated.
But him that is striving to learn,…More
'For even "what he seems to have," so He says, "shall be taken away from him;"

God not so much taking it away, as counting him unworthy of His gifts.

This we also do; when we see any one listening carelessly, and when with much entreaty we cannot persuade him to attend, it remains for us to be silent. For if we are still to go on, his carelessness is aggravated.

But him that is striving to learn, we lead on, and pour in much.'

St. John Chrysostom
'Persecution shows who is a hireling, and who a true pastor.'
St. Bernard of ClairvauxMore
'Persecution shows who is a hireling, and who a true pastor.'

St. Bernard of Clairvaux
'Live in the joy and the peace of the divine Majesty. Live lost in divine love. Live for divine love and of divine love.'
St. Paul of the CrossMore
'Live in the joy and the peace of the divine Majesty. Live lost in divine love. Live for divine love and of divine love.'

St. Paul of the Cross
'If in this world there be any knowledge of this sacrament stronger than that of faith, I wish now to use it in affirming that I firmly believe and know as certain that Jesus Christ, True God and True Man, Son of God and Son of the Virgin Mary, is in this Sacrament . . . I receive Thee, the price of my redemption, for Whose love I have watched, studied, and laboured. Thee have I preached; Thee have …More
'If in this world there be any knowledge of this sacrament stronger than that of faith, I wish now to use it in affirming that I firmly believe and know as certain that Jesus Christ, True God and True Man, Son of God and Son of the Virgin Mary, is in this Sacrament . . . I receive Thee, the price of my redemption, for Whose love I have watched, studied, and laboured. Thee have I preached; Thee have I taught. Never have I said anything against Thee: if anything was not well said, that is to be attributed to my ignorance. Neither do I wish to be obstinate in my opinions, but if I have written anything erroneous concerning this sacrament or other matters, I submit all to the judgment and correction of the Holy Roman Church, in whose obedience I now pass from this life.'

St. Thomas Aquinas, on his deathbed
'There is a higher prayer -- that of the perfect -- which is a certain ravishing of the mind, its complete separation from all sensory things, when with unutterable sighings of the spirit it approaches God, Who sees the heart open like a written book, wherein its will is expressed in wordless images. Thus Paul was ravished to the third heaven, not knowing "whether in the body" or "whether out of …More
'There is a higher prayer -- that of the perfect -- which is a certain ravishing of the mind, its complete separation from all sensory things, when with unutterable sighings of the spirit it approaches God, Who sees the heart open like a written book, wherein its will is expressed in wordless images. Thus Paul was ravished to the third heaven, not knowing "whether in the body" or "whether out of the body" [II Corinthians 12:2].'

St. Nilus of Sinai
'This Rosary will be your little wreath of roses, your crown for Jesus and Mary.'
St. Louis Marie de MontfortMore
'This Rosary will be your little wreath of roses, your crown for Jesus and Mary.'

St. Louis Marie de Montfort
'In all things let us not forget to repeat with the Lord Jesus: "Not my will but Thine be done." . . . Let us not forget that Jesus not only suffered, but also rose in glory; so, too, we go to the glory of the Resurrection by way of suffering and the Cross.'
St. Maximilian KolbeMore
'In all things let us not forget to repeat with the Lord Jesus: "Not my will but Thine be done." . . . Let us not forget that Jesus not only suffered, but also rose in glory; so, too, we go to the glory of the Resurrection by way of suffering and the Cross.'

St. Maximilian Kolbe