DYK what is the Triduum? The Triduum refers to three days in which we commemorate and celebrate the Paschal Mystery, namely the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. Lent officially ends and the …More
DYK what is the Triduum?
The Triduum refers to three days in which we commemorate and celebrate the Paschal Mystery, namely the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. Lent officially ends and the Triduum begins on the evening of Holy Thursday, moving on to Good Friday and Holy Saturday. After sundown on Holy Saturday, the Easter celebration begins and Triduum officially closes with evening prayer on Easter Sunday. Historically, one day, known as the Vigil of Easter, was set aside in preparation for Easter. But there was much that the community desired to reflect on that the time was extended to three days. Eventually, in imitation of pilgrims in Jerusalem who walked the path that Jesus did in the final week of his life from his entrance into Jerusalem to his arrest, passion, death and resurrection, the time was extended to one full week, which we know today as Holy Week. Holy Thursday liturgy, commemorating Jesus' last supper, highlights two key aspects of Christian life, Eucharist and service to the human family symbolized by the washing of the feet. Good Friday, commemorating Jesus' passion and death, is the most somber of celebration. No mass is celebrated on that day. We proclaim the passion, we pray for many intentions, we honor and venerate the cross and we receive previous consecrated hosts. Holy Saturday is spent in quiet anticipation of the resurrection with the Easter celebration beginning at sundown. We light a new fire, a new Christ candle, we proclaim our scriptural story, we celebrate all the sacraments of initiation and we close with Eucharistic communion. Make time to view this week's DYK video and allow it to prepare you to enter more fully into the Easter Triduum. Attachments area. St.SabinaParishChurch
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What is the Triduum?