Ember Days. TheFatimaCenter on Dec 20, 2013. Ember Day (2016) A Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, set apart by the Church during each of the seasons as days of special prayer, fast, and abstinence. …More
Ember Days.

TheFatimaCenter on Dec 20, 2013. Ember Day (2016)
A Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, set apart by the Church during each of the seasons as days of special prayer, fast, and abstinence. The Embertides of June, September, and December were first introduced, and that of March about the 6th century. They were probably occasioned by the agricultural feasts of ancient Rome. Pope Gelasius I permitted ordinations at all the Embertides. Pope Gregory VII definitely arranged the Embertides for the Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday after Ash Wednesday, Pentecost, feast of the Exaltation of the Cross (14 September), and feast of Saint Lucy (13 December).
✍️ Their dates can be remembered by this old mnemonic:
Sant Crux, Lucia, Cineres, Charismata Dia
Ut sit in angaria quarta sequens feria.
Which means:
Holy Cross, Lucy, Ash Wednesday, Pentecost,
are when the quarter holidays follow.
For non-Latinists, it might be easier to just remember "Lucy, Ashes, Dove, and Cross."
✍️ Ember Days were instituted
1) to consecrate by penance each of the four seasons of the year;
2) to pray to God for the preservation of the fruits of the earth, and to give Him thanks for those already received;
3) to beg of God worthy pastors for the Church, and to implore His blessing on those who are promoted to Holy Orders.
We beseech Thee, O Lord, mercifully to regard the devotion of Thy …More
✍️ Ember Days were instituted
1) to consecrate by penance each of the four seasons of the year;
2) to pray to God for the preservation of the fruits of the earth, and to give Him thanks for those already received;
3) to beg of God worthy pastors for the Church, and to implore His blessing on those who are promoted to Holy Orders.
We beseech Thee, O Lord, mercifully to regard the devotion of Thy people, that mortifying their bodies by fasting, their minds may be refreshed by good works. Through Christ our Lord.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and never forget all He hath done for thee.
Receive, O Lord, we beseech Thee, the offerings of our homage, and mercifully sanctify Thy own gifts.
Bless and preserve, O Lord, the fruits of the earth. Enable us, by Thy grace, so to enjoy these and all other temporal blessings, that we may not lose those which are eternal.
Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst institute in Thy Church a sacred hierarchy, to be perpetuated without interruption to the end of the world, by the Sacrament of Holy Orders, hear the prayers which we humbly offer up to Thee, for those who are to be ordained at this time, that, strengthened by Thy grace and directed by Thy Spirit, they may please Thee to Whom they engage themselves, and by word and example, contribute to the salvation of souls, redeemed by Thy blood. Who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen. – from
Prayer Book for Religious
, by Father Francis Xavier Lasance